Chapter 23

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ehm, te fahk.



"Hello?" I ask into the phone, wondering what my mom needs.

"Hey, Frank," she answers. She sounds nervous and that makes me not really want to know what she has to say.

"Um," she lets out a little laugh, "can you come home, like, now? Please?"

"Sure," I answer, saying it suspiciously. What is she hiding from me? I know that if I were to ask on the phone, she'd say that everything's fine, but my mom is a terrible liar.

I hang up and turn to Gerard, "Uh, my mom wants me home. I think something's wrong, she sounded pretty weird. So, I'll see you later."

I get up and walk towards the door, then Gerard stops me, "Hey."

"Yeah?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"Text me when you find out, alright?" I smile and nod, ruffling my hand in his hair a little bit.

I get in my car and start it, ignoring the fact that I forgot to change and am still Gerard's pajamas. I pull out and speed home, I just want to find out what the fuck has my mom acting so nervous.

I make it in the driveway and run up to the front door, opening it, "Mom, I'm home!" I walk into the kitchen and see her sitting at the table, her head in her arms.

"Gosh, Frank, I'm so sorry," she basically sobs at me.

"For, uh, what?" I scratch the back of my head and look down at her, not really wanting to know if she's crying too.

"Follow me," she says and leads me up the stairs and right to my bedroom. "Please, Frankie, just don't get mad."

I nod my head and wait for her to open the door. "Um, I got you an early birthday present, I knew you'd love it. It just.. everything went wrong." She opens the door and the first thing I notice is a puppy sitting on my pillow. It's black with white paws.

"Awe, Mom! It's so adorable!" I practically squeal and rush over to my bed scooping it up and petting his head.

She laughs a little, "Um.. Look at Pansy."

I look over at the corner of my room where my beloved guitar sits at. "M..Mom. What did you do?!" I put the puppy down and  run over to Pansy, she's broken. The neck is busted right in half.

"Uh.. I brought the dog in here to get used to your scent and she was crawling around by your guitar stand and knocked it over, I'm really sorry, Frank," she looks like she might cry again, and I really don't want that.

"Mom, no, it's fine. It's okay. It's just whatever, I guess," I say, trying to calm her down. Oh my gosh, it's not okay though.

"I'm sorry," she says, then walks away.

I pull out my phone and immediately call Gerard. "Hello?" His angelic voice asks through the speaker.

I laugh for a minute, trying to soak up the information. "So. My mom got me a puppy. The puppy broke my fucking guitar." Towards the end of the last sentence, my voice started sounding really depressed. I mean, that guitar was like my life. I would always come up with different riffs on it when I got mad or upset.

"Are you serious?" He asks, sounding shocked.

"Dead fucking serious, do you want a picture. I'm not fucking around. Now I have a fucking pu- oh. Oh my fucking gosh." I just stare at my bed, this is just my fucking day, isn't it? Everything has been going to shit, next thing I know, Gerard's going to break up with me.

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