Chapter 27

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Can one of you kill me? Omf please. It's about to storm really really bad and I'm scared if storms I'm literally about to bawl my eyes out


It's Friday morning and I'm more than scared. I barely got any sleep because all I could think about was mom going off on Gerard, judging him and telling him how wrong she thinks his actions are.

I walk into school, immediately being greeted by Danny and Jesse, both smiling excitedly. "How's things with Gerard?" Danny asks quietly, not wanting to draw attention, or give people a hint that I'm gay. I told Danny and Jesse about Gerard first thing Monday morning and they were excited, they both practically squealed and begged to meet him.

"Good, good. He's really sweet, but my mom wants to meet him. She thinks he's just a friend, and I hope it stays that way. She knows about the whole self harm thing and I'm just freaked out, I think she's going to go off on him about how it's wrong and everything," I say quietly as we all head towards my locker.

"Have you told all of this to him?" Jesse asks.

"That I'm freaking out? No. I don't want him to be nervous, because then he'll have an anxiety attack or something," I say quickly, swinging my locker door open and taking out some binders.

"Everything will be fine, alright?" Jesse says, rubbing my shoulder sending me a reassuring smile when I look back.

"I just hope she doesn't find me and Gerard out. She's never really gone in depth on her views about gay marriage, so I don't know, nor do I want to find out, what her reaction would be until I'm graduated and moved out so I don't have to hear about it." We walk along the hallway, listening to the mindless chatter of all our classmates.

"See you guys at lunch," I mumble before turning to take the route to my first hour class. They say their usual responses and take their way to their class.


I drive home slower than usual today, taking in my surroundings so I can mentally prepare myself for anything that is going to happen tonight.

I pull into the driveway, parking in the spot mom usually takes, but she isn't home from work yet, so it's mine now. Dad is home though, probably napping the exhaustion from work off.

I walk in and close the door gently, slipping off my shoes and putting my bag on the ground.

I run a hand through my growing hair and remove my blazer, walking up the stairs to change out of this uniform that I've grown to despise.

I grab a pair of grey skinny jeans and a plain white shirt, not wanting to get all dressed up just to have my friend, boyfriend, and their mom come over. Mom will probably have me change though.

I sigh and flop on my bed, pulling my phone out of the pants pocket of my uniform beforehand. I browse Instagram and Facebook while I wait for mom.


After half an hour, I finally hear the hum of a car engine along with tires rolling against gravel. The engine cuts and I hear a door slam, then one open and the ruffling of plastic, meaning mom went shopping.

I push myself up and off my bed, locking my phone and leaving it there. I jog downstairs, seeing dad going through the snack cabinet in the kitchen and go for the front door. I open it, just in time for mom to close the back door of the car. "You're actually here after school for once," she points out rudely.

"Yeah, just thought about how much I didn't want to spend the remainder of my day wearing that God forsaken uniform I'm forced to wear five days a week," I reply, walking out to grab some of the bags from her.

"Funny," she replies sarcastically.

I don't reply, leaving us to walk in silently to put away all the groceries.

"What are you making for dinner?" I ask after setting some bags on the counter.

"Nothing too special," she says. "Just some baked chicken with potatoes and some green beans."

"Potatoes and green beans it is," I say, rolling my eyes at her carelessness.

"Frank, why did you go vegetarian in the first place?" She asks, putting away the milk and cheese.

"Because I love animals," I respond.

"Okay, your life, not mine," she says quietly, half her body shoved into the fridge to rearrange it.

I roll my eyes and set out the bag of chicken, bag of potatoes and the cans of green beans.

"Frank, Gerard and his family are coming at around six-thirty, can you please help me cook?" Mom asks, throwing away the shopping bags.

"Fine, but I'm not touching the chicken," I say, grabbing the bag of potatoes.

"Okay, as long as I get help," she says, grabbing the chicken.

We go about grabbing all the necessary items for making dinner and start on it.

All I can really think about is how this is most likely going to be a disaster. Mom will mention the self harm, I know it. That's why she invited them over. Nothing I can do will stop her from bringing it up, so I'm going to need to come up with something, and fast.


Sorry if it's short Idk I'm panicking sorry

ily guys


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