Chapter 20

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Okay. So, Wattpad hates me. Like when I click in the notifications to see what people commented on my stories it does this weird stuff and I don't know how to explain it but I got upset.


I straighten out my legs and make an incoherent noise before opening my eyes. All I see is black and for a split second I think I went blind, but then I move my head back and see Gerard's peaceful looking face. I yawn and push my face back in his chest and close my eyes again, not wanting to get up.

I'm almost asleep before Gerard starts moving around. I hear him yawn, then he mumbles, "Mm, good morning."

I'm still tired, so I pull my arm out from in between our stomachs and cover his mouth, "Shh."

"No, time to get up," he says, sitting up and pulling me with him.

"Why? It's Saturday, we don't have to do anything," I say, trying to lay back down. Why is he trying to make me wake up?

"Because I'm hungry and you're going to help me make food," he says, getting up and pulling me off his bed as well. Ugh, such a jerk. I'm definitely sleeping after we're done with this.

We go downstairs and the first thing I notice is that nobody's out of their rooms, except maybe Donna, but that's only because she might have to work this morning. We make our way to the kitchen and Gerard starts digging through the cabinet, looking through all the food.

"Can't you just make a bowl of cereal and eat that? I'm tired," I whine, leaning down and resting my head in the counter.

"No, I don't want cereal. I want some scrambled eggs and I don't know which pan to use for them," he says, holding up to different sized pans.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mutter. "How many eggs are you cooking?"

"I don't know. How many do you want?" He asks.

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm still making you some eggs because if I don't you'll probably whine about being hungry later and you won't have any eggs." Okay, he probably has a point there.

"So, I'll just make like three for each of us," he says, setting the bigger pan on the stove and walking towards the refrigerator.

"Gerard, three eggs is a lot for each of us," I tell him. I'm not saying because I'm not hungry, I'm saying it because it's true.

"Okay, well I'm really hungry, so I'll make three for me two for you," he says, pulling out the five eggs.

I'm kind of questioning if I'll want to eat the eggs ever because what if he isn't a good cook? Like, I know scrambled eggs are easy, but some people just don't know how to cook.

"They're ready," Gerard announces, grabbing two plates out of the cabinet and scooping the eggs on to them. To be honest, they smell and look alright, so they can't taste horrible, can they?

I yawn and grab my plate off the counter, making my way to the table.

"I thought you weren't hungry," he says, setting his plate down and going back to the counter. I turn around and watch to see what he's doing.

Making coffee. Yum. "Yeah, well, shut up," I say, too lazy to actually come up with a good come back.

He chuckles and starts the coffee maker, turning around and joining me at the table.

He grabs his fork and starts eating, slowly chewing. He looks up and gives me a weird look, "Do you have an obsession with watching me?"

"I don't know, I just think you're interesting," I answer, looking away because, wow, that sounded a little creepy.

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