Chapter 39 -Final-

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"She didn't forgive me," I say as soon as I walk into Gerard's room. "Well, not completely, I suppose. She gave me this look and said that she wishes it could be more simple and that she doesn't completely forgive me."

He sits up from his laying position and motions me over from where I stood in his doorway. "The important thing, Frank, is that she forgave you at all. I'm proud, you apologized. I thought you'd probably chicken out or just not do it at all from all the things you would say about her."

I get a little offended by his lack of faith in me, but quickly get over it to avoid an argument. I walk over and accept the welcoming hug and peck on the lips he offers. "I spent half the day searching for her. I think it's a bit ironic that the one time I want her to just pop out of nowhere, she doesn't."

He smiles and leans his head on my shoulder, "I love you." My stomach flips at the three words and I smile. I'm so thankful I got him to try a relationship with me. Who knows where we would be if that would've never happened. Would I still be hopelessly crushing on him? Would his self harm still be happening very often, getting worse each time? Would we both be dead?

I let a deep sigh out, not one of annoyance, but one of content. "I love you, too, Gee."

We sit on his bed like that for a while, his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. Eventually, though, I start to get really uncomfortable, in the means of I need to piss. Before I say anything to him, though, I laugh quietly at the time, months ago, when he fell asleep cuddling me on his floor and I had pry his arms away from me so I could piss.

"Gerard?" I ask quietly, not sure if he's sleeping or not.

"Frank?" He responds in the same tone.

"I need to pee," I say bluntly, causing him to laugh a little.

"That's very nice to know," he says, unwrapping his arms from my waist. "Go, I don't need you to piss on my bed."

"Are you referencing the time Demon peed on my bed?" I raise my eyebrow at him, only making him laugh a little harder.

"No." But the smile on his face says otherwise. I open my mouth to say something back, but he cuts me off, "Just go pee."

I smile a little, he is such a jerk. I give him one last admiring look and walk out of the room, going down the hall so I could relieve myself.

I open the door and close it after I walk in. While already starting to unbutton my pants, I walk to the toilet.

After I finish, I pull my pants back up the little amount I actually pulled them down and zip and button them back up.

I flush and go to the sink, twisting the knobs and pumping soap onto my hand from the bottle. I look down and see a phone on the counter.

I turn off the water and dry my hands, picking up the phone after. It's Ray's. Hm.

I open the door and walk out, not bothering to close it. I walk across the hall to Mikey's room. "Hey, um—" I cut myself off shortly after I look up. Mikey and Ray are on Mikey's bed, shirtless and kissing. Well, they were kissing, now they're looking at me guiltily. "I can come back later."

"Um.. What'd you need?" Mikey asks.

"Ray left his phone in the bathroom, but I think that's the least of his worries." I smirk slightly and set his phone on Mikey's dresser beside the door. I turn around to leave and say, "Don't scream too loud, Mikes."


I admit, the fact that they didn't tell me that they're a thing kind of pissed me off, and made me upset. I guess they didn't trust me.

Or you've been spending too much time with your boyfriend to realize that they've been getting closer.

"Shut up," I mumble into my pillow.

I've been trying to sleep for about an hour. It's 1:30 and I'm near exhausted. My mind has been wandering back and forth from Mikey and Ray to Jamia. That, and I've been texting Gerard.

I roll over and check my phone for a text back, but there isn't one.

I had to leave early from their house because my mom wanted to have a meal and talk and stuff. We discussed my sexuality and all that jazz. Her main concern was 'do you still believe in God?' I told her yes because it's true. Sure, he's totally against my sexuality, but who cares? Not me.

The rest of dinner was pretty peaceful, no arguments about Gerard, or the Way family in general. She brought up his self harm once, but I quickly dismissed that with a "He doesn't do it any more." She, surprisingly, believed me and we continued on, discussing school and whatever else would slip its way into our conversation.

My phone vibrates in my hand with a text message that is no doubt from Gerard.

So, what are you up to?

Laying in my bed being a lazy shit because it's like one thirty in the morning. Duh Gerard, get with the program

I let my thoughts wander, going from all the shit my mom has put me through, all the shit that's gone down with Gerard and I, and then, again, Jamia. I can't help but focus on the Jamia subject more. I wish it could be more simple. What did she mean? I sigh and dismiss the thought, I can't spend my time worrying about the meaning of something my ex-girlfriend, who is finally going to leave me alone, said.

It feels kind of... wrong that she won't be popping up by my locker, or at lunch, or anywhere saying that she knows I miss her. It feels like, after I figured out she's done with me, there's a big hole in my thoughts. Like she ripped them up, but I will not deny that it feels good. It's like ripping up the wrapping paper of a Christmas present. Where the thoughts are ripped, there's a shiny new void of empty space that I'm finally free to fill with my own thoughts.

It feels good. I feel like I can finally be free, like I can move on in my relationship with Gerard. He was right, I feel so much better after we both got the closure that we needed.

I think I'll fill the free space with more memories of Gerard and I, or possibly the newfound lovers Mikey and Ray.

My phone vibrates with another text, Shh..

Then another. ...I love you, dork.



This is the end, now there's just going to be an epilogue.


Then. The. Duh duh duhhhh SEQUELLL TO THE BULLY


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