Chapter 8

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First off, guys, please read this! I'm so sorry for not updating. My iPod would not let me. I tried going to create, but every time I did, it would just automatically exit out of the app.


I'm not really sure how long it'll be until I finally get let out, I'm just tired of this place. I want to leave, but not before I talk to Gerard. I don't know why I want to talk to him so bad, it's just like all of a sudden I have this urge to get to know him.

I sigh and roll over him the bed, the small squeak it made echoing around the lonely room. This is stupid, there isn't even a TV in here. I don't have my phone, so I can't text or play games. Mikey left to do something and mom went to work. The doctors and nurses haven't been coming in, they came in once after everyone left to unhook all the random wires and IV, thankfully.

"Hello, Frank," a skinny nurse greeted me, smiling brightly. "How are you?"

I just give a barely audible 'hmph' and continue to lay face down on my stomach. I hear her chuckle quietly and flip a few papers, "So, I just came to go over with you and your parents some things, but looks like they aren't here right now..."

"Mom's at work, Dad is wherever, what'd you want to go over?" I ask, removing my face from the pillow and looking up at her, curious as to what needed to be gone over.

"Well, we just wanted to ask if you're parents wished to put you in therapy, it seems like a good option considering what happened, the doctor recommends it, but isn't going to force you into it, but is giving your parents the option." I was nice and didn't interrupt her after the word 'therapy' came out her mouth. I don't need therapy, I have explained many times that I didn't do this to myself! Why would I?

"No, no. I don't need therapy, I've explained that I didn't do this to myself, it someone or something, this isn't my doing!" I yell, shoving my stitched up arm in her face.

"Yes, I've had your bizarre story told to me many times by other staff, but that's just impossible," she replies, chuckling at me like I'm some fool.

"Well, it fucking is possible and I'm proof!" I wave my arm around like it'll just show her that I'm telling the truth. I know that there isn't a way to make them believe me unless they see it for themselves, which is very unlikely. The most I can really hope for is for my parents to not make me attend therapy.

She just nods and gives a mock face of belief, muttering a sarcastic 'okay' along with it. That's immature, I mean, I know I was being immature with cursing at her and yelling, but her job revolves around being calm and immature, giving a sarcastic reply isn't that mature.

I sigh and roll my eyes, I really hope mom and dad can see that I'm being serious, that I don't need therapy.


Eventually, mom and dad come back. The nurse stayed in with me the whole time, we occasionally got into light conversation which usually ended in either her or myself getting aggravated and holding back offensive remarks. I really dislike her and I can see that she feels the same about me.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs. Iero," she greets them, mispronouncing our last name. "I've been sent in here to discuss some choices with you." She adjusts herself in the chair, sitting up straighter and crossing her legs.

"Choices?" Mom asks, "What choices?"

"Well, the doctor has asked me to come and ask if you two wish to send your son to therapy, he says it may help with what has happened."

Mom and Dad both stay quiet, whispering to themselves about what would be the right decision. They've been doing just that for the past few minutes, mom doing little hand gestures and dad nodding understandingly.

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