Chapter 22

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Ugh. writing three stories at the same time is so difficult. ;-;

sorry to keep you all waiting. it's kinda like with a the bully, yknow, on that chapter that I titled 'this chapter sucks' because I have no idea what to write.

MCryiNG Welcome to the fucking black parade came on the radio today! I started bawling my eyes out and and anD I just.. FEels


I can't believe it, he finally said yes. We stay in the hug for a few minutes, just holding each other. I really enjoy it.

"I'm gonna take you on a date next week," Gerard says, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"I don't have a problem with that," I say, chuckling. I'm going to be on some kind of mental high for the next few days. I mean, I have a boyfriend! My first one, too. I'll just have to try to not let my parents know something is up. That'd be pure blasphemy and I'd probably get sent to some school or camp designed to set me straight.

Hashtag, no hetero.

I laugh at myself and let go of Gerard. He smiles down at me, I think is a first for us both. I mean, my first boyfriend. And I think it's a first for him to have someone so persistent on having him say yes, begging, promising, real promises.

I won't hurt him. It just won't happen, he's too fragile, he'll break easily and I can't have that happen.  Yes, part of me is still being selfish and putting my physical wellbeing before Gerard's, but it's understandable right? I care about myself too. But that is definitely not the only reason I don't want him to break. I care about him a lot, I want to be the reason he wakes up with a smile, I want to be the reason he doesn't harm himself anymore. I want him to trust me more than he thought he could.

"So, uh, do you want to... watch.. a movie?" He asks, sounding more like he's questioning himself rather than asking if I want to watch the movie.

"Um, yeah, sure. Which one?" I ask, going to the kitchen to grab us each a soda.

"How about X-Men?" He asks, going through the cabinet.

I look into the living room, not missing the perfect view of his butt while he was bent over, and ask, "Which one?"

"Um, hm, hm.. Two?" He asks, turning around and holding the case up.

"Sure thing, what do you want to drink?" I ask, getting a Coke for me.

"Just some Coke," he says, preparing the movie. I grab the soda and close the fridge, walking over to the couch.

He grabs his soda and sits down next to me, popping it open.

After the movie starts, I don't really pay attention. I watch Gerard, whether he realizes it or not is beyond me. I hate this about me, I like to just watch people, as creepy as it sounds. I like watching for their reactions, noting their mannerisms, it's fun to me. It helps me get to know a little about the person without all that awkward conversation.

Gerard looks over at me, catching me staring. "Were you watching me the whole time?"

I nod, "Guilty as charged."

"I know I'm hot, Frank, but you have to watch the movie," he jokes around.

I laugh a little, "Nah, I think I'll just watch you." I turn my back to the arm rest and stretch out, laying my legs on Gerard's lap. "Is this okay?"

He nods and smiles a little, "Only if this is okay." He move his hand and latches onto mine.

"That's definitely okay," I say, giving his hand a small squeeze.

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