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my family hide secrets
like winter hides leaves.

but every family has secrets
ours aren't so terrible.

they point fingers
and wear stubbornness and pride
like a broken necklace
they refuse to throw away.

stubbornness and pride
got us to this country.
one must show strength
to gain power.

but we are born of a new generation
free-willed and open-minded
we splay our hands open
to accept new ways and rivers
that flow with shimmering color.

but remember the old who gave you the strength in your veins
who walked on this
new land with unbroken feet
only to give you
the scars you carry so beautifully.

so we valiantly defended our family
shredded our white flags
and printed cold anger
upon the soles of our feet
let us carry this bitterness
wherever we go.

it is right to carry anger
the fires will always keep you warm.
grudges collect interest
just like money does in a bank.

but when you do something wrong,
we pause.
the old generation
presents us with lies
tied up in gold papers and stars

just take them, take them, take them

they taste bitter
and we're left wondering
what really is the truth?
and who is the villain?
and if every war
we've fought for our family
was in vain.

false victories
still taste sweet.

we have learned now.
although we are young,
we know some fundamental truths.

my hands
are charred so black with pride,
all lies look true to me.

one must never treat
someone as less than yourself.

I am better than them.

one must never paint pride
upon lips that have torn apart
a man's soul.

he will learn the harsh way of my people.

listen to young people
when they speak from heaven.

young people's heads
are all filled up with clouds—
not heaven.
I know enough.

do not make another man cry.
are you listening?

he is but a man
I am a mountain.

take responsibility
for what you have done.

I commit no sin in the eyes of God.

listen to me, old man!


you have shamed me.

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