finality through rebirth

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I fell in love with him
because he was adventurous
and recklessly, obviously beautiful
he liked loud music and car trips
he liked smoking
and pretended he liked alcohol
and it made me dizzy
because he was so interesting,
and he made me feel like I was interesting, too.

but I'm a little different now
I don't need you
to search for freedom
or love to gather
like a kid collects dandelions
because I've found it in myself.

I've found love in my family
in my friends
and books and music
and black and white piano keys
and rain and sunshine and poetry
I've found it in newborn flowers
and biking during summer mornings
and bees in Italy
I've found it in homemade cookies
and lemonade served in the afternoons
in birds and robins eggs
in blue skies and thunderstorms
in curling up during a movie
in quiet bookstores
and humming lights in the supermarket
and sailing down a road too fast
and thinking about space and sea
in long conversations at 3 A.M.
and scary movies in the early morning
in slow kisses and screaming till my throat is red and raw
in laughing so hard my ribs hurt
in crying so much that my fingers wrinkle over.
in loneliness and wonder
in death and life
I've found it in me.

and that's beautiful.

see you in the stars.

a/n: I think it's time for a new book.

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