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don't tell me you're an angel / I know what angels are / they don't live on clouds / strumming gold harps / and wearing pearls / they're here on earth / let me tell you / my grandmother was an angel / because my family was shit / but she was an angel / and she bore it all / on star-colored wings / and a smile that defied gravity / my grandmother was an angel / she gave to those who were cruel / she sought gold in places that were dirty / my grandmother saved my grandfather / from a life of guilt / and painless sleep / my grandmother saved me / from my throne of glass / she saved me from the endless hurricane / my grandmother was an angel / she draped others in things that were beautiful / and left nothing for herself / my grandmother was an angel / so lord God above me / if nothing else / imbue me with my grandmother's spirit / so I may save others too.

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