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do not compare me
to one of those blonde girls
you see on T.V.
who wear perfect makeup
and hide behind boys
looking pretty
while people bleed
don't tell me I'm delicate
because you turn away
when I place knives between my teeth
and cock guns underneath my sleeves
like my soul is shifting under skin
you don't like to think about
how I have a perfect reply
when boys say something stupid
and you don't have to rescue me
don't roll your eyes at me
and act like I'm nothing if I don't have you
because that's wrong
without you
I am still a woman
decked out in colors like scarlet and gold
waving a flag of strength for all womankind
and paving my own path
with the sea and night sky as witnesses.

I curl my fingers in the shape of a gun
grin at your annoyance
and say
"shots fired."


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