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oh baby, let's dance until the sun sets!
soon the night will come
and we'll trip over our feet
so let's dance while the sky is still gold.

oh baby, let's dance until the sun sets!
let's trade all our jewels for more time.
for when the night hangs over us and blows out the music,
time will come like a thief in the night
and he'll steal away our joy, our light.

oh baby, let's dance until the sun sets!
before time comes to rob us blind.
we could pretend forever we live in a daylight of a thousand years
but that's not the case
no music lasts forever.

oh baby, let's dance until the sun sets!
for if our love is doomed to die,
and you'll leave me in the morning,
at least, maybe even time will stop and wonder
before stealing you away
what kind of love outstands the night.

oh baby, let's dance until the sun sets!
even if my feet are bleeding,
and my shoulders shake from hoisting up the sun
let it be known that no love lasts forever!
except mine,
except mine.

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