Chpt 1: Nutjob

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"Okay sir please calm down, now could you please tell us one more time about what you saw” A tall man known as Sam Winchester was wearing a black suit spoke, while writing down what the crazed man said in a small notebook. “And this time speak slower” The older but shorter brother known as Dean, smiled a cheeky grin, with his hands behind his back, wearing the same suit the taller man was wearing -but has a different colored tie-. “It's like ay done said befawe! Those there mownsters done killed Johno ay tell yah! And how do ay knows you Feds won't think im crazy?" The man talked with a thick southern accent. “Trust me sir we won't, and did these ‘monsters’ have anything…. Strange about them?”  Sam asked looking up from his paper.

“They done had these weird blayk eyes! Pure blayk! As they raided Johnos place they kep on talkin about some blayk dog, ayn' how bad they wants it!”  “Black dog?” Dean questioned looking over at Sam.  “Yeah- yeah ayy blayk dog! But y'all see im nahwt dumb! Ay know them mownsters are gonna come aftuurr me next! So that's why ay know where that dog is!”   “Okay... Where is this dog?” Sam spoke with a huff of breath, as he barely understood a single thing of what the man was saying.  “It's in the woods where ay laid all my traps! Y'all see ay'll catch the dog so once thome mownsters come faw me they won't kills me, like what theys done ta Johno!”  “Sir are you on any type of drugs?” Dean asked rolling his eyes.  “What naw!  My mama done told me nevah  do drugs”   “Sir what kind of traps did you place?”  “Bear traps of course!”

Dean facepalmed as he let out a sigh.  “Alright sir I think we have enough information, thank you for your time”   Sam gave the old man a smile before exiting the home.  “Jesus Sammy do you really believe what that guy said? He was a freakin nutcase!”  Dean let out a frustrated sigh, “yes Dean I believe him”  The two brothers walked down the pebble pathway to the Impala.  “Because he isn't the only one around here who has been talking about a black dog”  Dean grunted, as he opened baby's door.  “So what we’re on a hunt for Cujo now?” “Yep, so let's head back to the hotel so we can get ready to explore the woods as soon as possible”  Sam slid into the passenger's seat smiling briefly at Dean.

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