Chpt 20: Ruh-Roh

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   You stare into the mirror looking at the clothes you wear. There snug and uncomfortable. The black denim jacket feels harsh against your skin. You walk out of the gas station bathroom and look around. You see Dean picking up a pack of beer out of a fridge, Cas looking at an apple pie, and Sam standing outside. You decide to go and see Sam. You push open the door and walk over to the hunter, "Sam?" you speak softly. The man looks over at you, surprised. "Oh Y/n, you look nice in that outfit" You smile, and lean against the brick wall next to Sam, "thank you" "Your welcome," Sam looked off into the distance, past the gas pumps, and at the many neighbouring trees.

  You look off into the scenery as well, it's beautiful that's for sure, but it makes your heart feel heavy. You let out a sigh and begin to fiddle with the crystal you wear, its warms up by your touch. "Oh yeah, Y/n. I have something for you" Sam reaches into his pocket and pulls out something small that fits so easily in his hand. "What is it?" You ask curiously. Sam smiles as he opens his hand and shows a f/c bracelet with two black beads tied to the strings, "it's a gift" "Oh Sam... You didn't have too," a happy feeling fills you. "Yeah, but I wanted too. Go ahead try it on" He hands you the bracelet, and you slip it on easily. You stare at the bracelet, admiring its beauty. "Thank you, Sam" You quickly reach over, and give the tall man a tight hug. Apparently, you took Sam by surprise because you can hear his heart quicken its pace with your ear pressed against his chest, and you could feel how tense he got. "Uhh yeah, you're welcome. Glad you like it!"

  "Woah what's going on here?" That familiar sound of Dean's voice echoed in your ears. You let go of Sam and turn around to greet the hunter, you noticed that he carried a few brown paper bags in his hands. "Sam gave me a gift!" You speak happily. "Oh, he did? That's nice of him" A smirk appeared on his face, as he beamed at his younger brother. "Yes, it is," you smile. "You'll have to show me what it is, after I get all this in the trunk" Dean continued to wear his smirk, as he walked over to his Impala, while Sam stayed back with a look of regret on his face, because deep down, he knew he will never hear the end of this from his brother.

  You walk with Dean to the Impala, he opens up the trunk and places the brown bags on the false bottom board. Before he closes the door he pulls out a few beers from the bag, "alright go ahead and show me" You notice Deans green forest eyes glisten with cheer, you mentally take a note of it. "Here see," you show Dean the bracelet around your wrist. "Oh wow, that's nice! Really suits you," he smiles. "I guess he really knows what to get a girl," he looks behind you, clearly looking at Sam, who still remains in the same place he was before. You turn around and notice that Castiel is with Sam, he holds a brown paper bag of his own. "Hey, could you do something for me?" Dean asks. "Of course, what do you need?" You respond, ready to do any command Dean orders. "I'm going to go talk to Sam, so can you watch over Cas. I don't care what you guys do, just don't get into trouble, oh and make sure he doesn't go anywhere" "Yeah I can do that," you smile. "Thanks," Dean walks off over to his brother, but first tells the angel something, which makes him start to walk over to you.

  "Hello Castiel," you greet him. "Hello Y/n, Dean told me to stay with you" "Alrighty, so what do you want to do while we wait?" "I am not sure" "Hm... Okay," you look back at the two men, Dean seems to be laughing while Sam just rolls his eyes. You then look behind you, at the large grouping of trees, your mind urges you to go. "Let's go over here" You start to wander off to the woods, "I don't think it's wise to travel far from Sam and Dean," murmurs in his usual tone of voice. "Don't worry we're not going that far," you say as you cross the street of the empty road. You stop walking once you reach the entrance of the abounding trees. You go quite as you take in the environment, you listen to the sounds of the birds chirping, and the wind rustling the branches of the tall oaks. You feel your heartache once more, something inside you wants to just run free and survive on only your wits and skills, but another part of you wants to stay and protect your new frien-family. You look down at your wrist and rub your thumb across one of the beads on the bracelet Sam gave you. The feelings within you are persistent, you began to think about what it was like to live on your wild side; being able to run on all fours, being warmed by your fur, and not having to care about these feelings you have now.

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