Chpt 10: Unaccepted Love

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  Sam jerked up, but was held down by a heavy weight against his chest. "Rise and shine, Sammy!" His head turned quickly, and looked over at his brother, who wore a large smile on his face, as he tied the laces of his boots. Sam rubbed at his eyes with a sigh, "what time is it?" "It's time for you to get a watch," the elder brother chuckled. "Seriously Dean," Sam looked down, and saw you staring at him, with a wagging tail. "Six o'clock! Which means it's time for you to get up!" Dean walked into the bathroom, and turned on the sink. "Oh! Next time you invite Lassie in here let me know!" Sam heard his brother, gurgle on water.

  Sam rubbed his tired eyes once again, "I didn't invite her in here. She came in here on her own" Sam began to rub the fur of your neck, "I thought you tied her up?" "I did..She must of undid it or.. something" Sam looked at the rope attached to your collar, and untied it. "Huh.. Smart dog!" Dean walked out of the bathroom, with a bouncy attitude, and a stupid grin on his face.

  "Come on, hurry and get up! Bobby got us breakfast!" Dean spoke happily. "He did? That's weird.." Sam yawned, "yeah well who cares, its food and i'm starving!" Dean opened the door, and you hurried and jumped down following after him.

  You sat next to Deans side, as he ate some foreign food that looked like a fluffy tan disk. "Don't be such a hog, and feed the damn dog!" Bobby barked at the man, from the other room. You heard Dean groan, as he got up. He pulled out a metal bowl and sat it on the ground, as he grabbed a bag that rustled with things inside of it.

  You wag your tail in curiosity, as you stare at the man. He opened the bag, and poured the materials into the bowel. It looks my many brown circles, that smells like it wants to be beef, but it will never truly become it. You look up at Dean, and whined. "What? Don't be picky," Dean walked back over to the table, and sat down.

  You sniff at whats suppose to be your food, letting out a disappointed huff, you trot back over to Dean. "Your begging won't work on me," Dean spoke as he took a bite out of some piece of meat. You whine, and give him your best puppy eyes look. You hear the stairs start to creak as Dean sighs, "fine take it!" Dean threw the piece of meat onto the floor, you immediately snatch it up into your mouth, the taste is magnificent. Once it's gone you begin the process of begging all over again.

  Sam walked over to the table with a smile on his face, "its not good for dogs to eat people food, you know?" "Yeah well try telling her that!" Dean huffed.

  "So what are we having?" Sam pulled out a chair, and sat down. "Pancakes and bacon, well that is if Cujo doesn't eat it all" Dean growled. Sam chuckled, and pushed a hand through his hair, as he suddenly remembered something. "Hey look at this!" He pulled out the same piece of paper, from last night. He handed the paper over to Dean, full of excitement that they finally have some piece of information.

  "Okay...It's a piece of paper. What's so special about it?" Dean chewed his food giving Sam a look, Sam in return gave Dean his signature bitch-face. "Read it Dean, out loud" Sam straightened his posture, setting his hand on his knee. "Alright... It says y/n" You suddenly pull your head up and look at Dean, a happy growl rumbles in your throat. "Okay and?" Sam lets out a sigh, "it's her name Dean" "What seriously? No way!" Dean looked at the paper again then back at you, " y/n !"

  As he calls your name again, you bark at him, full of joy and happiness, you jump onto the man, and give his face many nuzzles and licks. "Son of a bitch! Get off!" You nearly make Dean fall out of his chair, as he tries to push you down. Sam laughs as he watches Dean struggle against you, until he finally manages you get down. "Not cool man! Not cool!" He wiped his hand across his face, "jesus you stink!"

  You look up at Dean wagging your tail happily, barking at him, Sam continued to laugh. "im serious man, she really really stinks!" Dean grumbled. "Well then why don't you give her a bath?" Sam snickered, "you know what I will! Later..." Dean let out a huff of air, and shoved bacon into his mouth. "No more people food for you!" You tilted your head, and barked at him, perhaps he didn't like your show of love and care.

  You look over at Sam who was nibbling on the fluffy disk, he broke off a piece and tossed it to the ground, you quickly reach over and devour it. Dean rolls his eyes, "seriously?" "What? She didn't do it to me" Sam laughs.

  "Anyways what's on the back?" Dean asks, as he flips the piece of paper around. "Oh uh I'm not sure yet, I think it might be Latin" "Latin? Why would that be there?" Sam shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno. Could have been by the previous owner, or it could have something to do with why the demons want her." Dean took another bite of bacon, "makes sense... Where did you get this?" The shorter man looked up at his brother. Sam swallowed a piece of pancake before speaking, "it was hidden in a little chamber on y/n collar"

  Dean lowered his fork to his plate, "her collar? She let you near it? Last time you tried to touch it she nearly bit your hand off" Sam cleared his throat, by taking a gulp of coffee, "first off: she only growled at me. And yeah... I guess she trusts us more? I'm not exactly sure why she did.." "Huh.." Dean hunched back into the chair, and continued eating. As Sam chewed his food, he wasn't sure if he should bring up the whole crystal thing, maybe he should later? Yeah definitely later. He could bring it up, when they start trying to translate the words on the paper.

  A few minutes pass, and the two men are finished eating. You sit boredly at Sams feet, staring at the metal food bowl. "Alright let's get this over with." Dean stretched out his arms, and stood up from the table. "Get what over with?" Sam looked up at his brother, as he took a sip of coffee. "The bath Sam! I'm not gonna let her keep wandering out and stinkin' up the place!" "Okay...And how are you going to do that?" Sam raised an eyebrow, with a smirk on his face.

  "We can use the hose outside" Dean crossed his arms, and looked down at you. "Don't you think it's a little cold for that?" Sam questioned with concern. "Nope. The temperature is 70 outside, not to hot and not to cold!" "Alright and what are you gonna use as shampoo?" "Mane 'n Tails, don't worry Sammy I got everything under control" The older brother chuckled, as he made his way to the door.

  "Go get the rope, and get ready. Your gonna help me," Dean ordered, but right before he walked out the door, he held his hand up, "next time we go out, remind me to buy a leach, using a rope...Just seems wrong," Dean then shut the door, leaving Sam chuckling lightly, with the shake of his head.   "Oh this is gonna be good," Sam heard Bobby speak up from the other room.  

  Sam did as he was told, you watched as he walked downstairs with the rope in his hands, and you let him tie it around your collar. You wag your tail happily as he gives you a pat on the head, "good girl." He walks you outside, and you see Dean standing there, with the green running hose in his hand, and his sleeves rolled up higher than they should be. "Oh you have got to be kidding me," you hear Sam mumble under his breath.

  Sam walks over to Dean, and looks his brother up and down, "you look ridiculous" "What are you talking about? I look great! Your the one who looks ridiculous!" Dean shot back with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, whatever you say," Sam rolled his eyes. You sniff at the pouring water, and look up at Dean. Dean then moved the hose, so the water splashed your face, soaking your fur. You jump back, pulling the rope from Sam's hand, with a playful growl.

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