Chpt 13: Not a Single Touch

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  "Crowley?!" "That's my name, don't wear it out." The man wore a smug smile, as he stood a few feet away from Sam. "What are you doing here?" Sam lowered his weapon, but then raised it back up at the man, knowing he can't trust the demon. "Not much. Just taking a stroll through the woods, enjoying the scenery and such" The man began to pace around, calmly with his hands close to his sides. "And the real reason?" Sam's grip tightened on his weapon.

  "What? Was my response not good enough for you, Moose?" The demon smiled. "Just answer the question" You look up at Sam, and then back at the man, letting out a growl. "If your going to be that way, then fine. I came here to see if the rumors were true" The demons eyes focused on you, as he gave a smirk, "nice puppy"

   "What rumors?" "Haven't you heard? The ones about how the Winchesters, have the almighty canine" Sam gulped down a breath of air, "why are the demons after her?" "Don't play dumb with me, Moose. I already know that you know" The man gazed at Sam's confused expression, "or I could be wrong....You really don't know do you?" Sam steadied his stance, not saying anything.

  "Huh.. Well then. Best you just hand over the beast before you get hurt" The man took a step forward, you let out another growl; louder this time. "You touch her, and your as good as dead!" Sam's words seemed to stop the demon. "You're a moron you know that? You have no idea what you're dealing with! That creature you stand next to, has more power than you can imagine! You'll end up getting yourself killed, if you continue to protect the beast!" The demon stormed in anger.

  Sam took in an uneven breath before speaking, "I'm willing to take that chance." You look up at Sam, unable to believe the words that has left his lips. "You'll regret this, Moose." "I doubt that" The taller man glared down at the demon, "tell Squirrel I said hello" And with that, the man just disappeared, without a trace of ever being there.

  Sam let out a sigh of relief, as he lowered his weapon, he quickly looked around the area, before putting it away. His fingers briefly touched your collar, grabbing your attention, "come on, let's get back to Bobby's" Sam's lips pursed as he began to turn back, and walk towards the house with you following closely by his side.

  The taller man pushed open the door, letting you walk inside first before he closed it. Dean stood in the kitchen, with a brown bottle in his hand. "That was quick," he smiled. "Crowley knows we have y/n" Sam blurted out. "Wait what!? Are you serious! How?" Dean placed the bottle on the table, and wore a grim expression. Bobby walked into the room, "whats going on?" "Apparently Crowley knows we have y/n!" Dean shouted out, you sensed he was angry.

  "What? Hows that possible? We haven't had a run in with any demons!" Bobby looked at the two boys, with great concern. "Well..." Sam started, "well what!? You now tellin me you have!" Dean broke his way into the argument, "we were not sure if it actually was a demon. We just saw a man at a dinner, and he disappeared. Okay?" Bobby threw his hands to his sides, "balls!"

  It went quiet for a moment, "what did he say?" Dean started talking again, as he stared down at the wooden floor, like it has done something truly awful. "Well... He told me something about how rumors of us having y/n has been spreading, and that he wants y/n, also..that supposedly y/n has some great power.." Sam looked down at you, his brow furrowed, and eyes full of worry. 

  "That's what Cas said.." The older brother mumbled under his breath, Dean sighed before carrying on. "Did he say anything else? Anything that could be important?"

  Sam shook his head no, and pushed a hand through his hair. "Alright then...Things just got a whole lot worse" Bobby murmured. "What do we do now?" Sam questioned, looking down at the older man. "Nothing. There's nothing to do" "Well that's just great," Dean picked up the brown bottle and chugged down the remaining liquid. 

  "We need to be more careful, and we also need to find out any possible info, and fast. We don't have a lot of time now," Sam nodded his head, as he thought of the next move. "Yeah I agree," Dean added on. Bobby turned and made his way over to the living area, "if we need to move fast, you boys best be getting ready to head-out soon. I found something useful about that William Thompson guy."

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