Chpt 22: To Be One

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(Warning: Gore)

  You kicked up the forest floors dirt, as your paws pounded against the earth's solid ground. The trees passed you in a blur, as your chest heaved in quick breaths, filling your lungs in the cool autumn air. The wind pulled your dark silky fur back as you ran past the shrubs and branches. The sun shined radiantly above you, as it almost hid in the clouds. Your large paws came to an immediate stop as you came to the edge of the cliff. You took a minute to take in your surroundings and all the areas beneath you; the crystal lake that reflected the sky above you, and the tall forest oaks the seemed to go on for eternity. You took in a deep breath and let out a mighty howl, that could easily be heard from miles away. Suddenly everywhere around you began to crack and shatter into glass revealing nothing but darkness, and before you even realized it you were falling. Falling from the cliff and the happiness you once had when you were free...

  You landed on the cold hard ground, next to the once crystal clear lake, which is now grey and fog-ridden. You pushed yourself up only to realize you are no longer your inner beast, making your body aches. You noticed black gunk dribbled down your hand from a thorn puncture. You crawled your way through the dirt to the lake. You stared at your blurred reflection, only seeing the glow from your two different colored eyes. You dipped your hand into the water and washed away the gunk, you then looked off into the distance of the lake. Fog starts to bubble up forming a shape, the shape then began to walk towards you. You didn't feel frightened though, in fact, you felt calm and peaceful. You swore you can even start to hear small whispers through the breeze of the wind. The shape then revealed itself, as it walked closer to you. It's you- but not you- It's your beast form. It walked towards you in a low non-threatening manner, you immediately noticed the crystal attached to the collar on its neck, you unconsciously reached for the collar you always wear, only to find that it's not there, but for some reason, you don't care. You stared at the beast's collar, and you noticed that a light blue shimmer flows carelessly in the crystal. The beast huffed at you, as it stood only a few inches away.

  You reached out your hand and slid it against the fine black fur of the creature. It nudged it's way closer to you, you then stared into it's blue and yellow eyes. The whispers in the wind seemed to grow louder, to the point where you can almost make them out, "soon" "time" "wait" "careful" You couldn't make any sense out of it, what does this all mean? The fur of the creature immediately began to turn cold, almost like ice. You yank your hand away, and it just stares at you, almost seeming unimpressed with your actions. You let out a shaky breath, only to see it turn to fog as soon as it left your lips. "What's happening?" You ask yourself. The creature swayed its tail back and forth, as it just stared at you. You gulped down a weary breath, as you reached your hand out again, and touched the now light blue glowing crystal. It brings you warmth, and it begins to glow brighter. You look up at the creature and notice that it began to quickly fade away into the fog. "No, wait!" You shout out, as you try to grab the fur of the beast, but you grab nothing but air, as it disappeared completely.

  The surrounding area began to crack and shatter once again, your mind filled with fear. You look up and watch as the sun shatters into a million pieces, and is replaced with a big full moon. What was left of the light soon disappears, and is replaced with a cold darkness

   The whispering in the wind stops and is now replaced with a strange scent, you weren't able to make out what it exactly smelled like, but never the less it smelled familiar- it was almost enchanting in a way. The fog around seemed to increase greatly, and now you weren't able to see almost anything. A low growling started to fill your ears, you quickly turn around to see a pair of blue and yellow glowing eyes approaching you slowly. The growling grew louder, as the eyes came closer. You quickly push yourself away from the approaching creature, but you were stopped when you came to the lake's edge behind you. You squeezed your eyes shut, and hold your head in your hands. After a few moments, you look up and see a snarling insidious beast in front of you. You jump back in fear, and your hands are meant with freezing cold water, that makes your fingers tingle. Your chest pounds in fear and anxiety. You stare into the beast eyes and see only yourself. The creature is you-but isn't you- just like before with the more peaceful one. The raven black hide of the beast is raised and seems to be edged and almost pointy. The beast growled showing its razor sharp teeth, making you flinch in fear. You then notice the crystal attached to its collar, it glows a red dim tone, and you can see pure black smog chaotically flowing inside the crystal.

  You didn't dare touch this creature, it was just truly terrifying. The beast growled louder-angrier. Drool dripped down from its mouth as it stared at you, with eyes full of hatred and blood-lust. Suddenly the creature snapped its ferocious jaws at you, making you scream as you heard a gunshot in the distance.

  You kicked up the forest floor dirt, as your paws pounded against the earth's solid ground. Everything around you passed in a blur. Your ears drummed loudly, your pulse thumped furiously, and your breath heaved every time you fill your lungs with the cold dead air. There is no wind, there is no sound, and there is no light; only darkness. Through your eyes, all you see is blurred objects. Your large paws came to an immediate stop as you saw two large figures in front of you. Ears drumming. Pulse thumping. Chest heaving. They spoke but you can barely make out the words, but they somehow sound familiar. You let out a growl and take a step forward. The taller figure spoke again, this time slower as it took a step back. The figure behind the taller one responded to the other. You growl louder and bare your fangs. Ears drumming. Pulse thumping. Chest heaving. The figure spoke again, but you no longer care for what it said. You were filled with anger and bloodlust. You lunged forward, pouncing on the taller figure. Your teeth ripped into its flesh, and the taste of its warm blood filled your mouth. The figure screamed in agony, and the second figure called out something. Ears drumming. Pulse thumping. Chest heaving.

  Slowly you began to make out what the figures were saying as you continued to strip the flesh of the one pinned underneath you.

  "Sam!" The shorter figure shouted. All of a sudden your vision came back to you, and the terror-filled your eyes as you watched yourself tear into the man who cares so much about you. You quickly pulled yourself away from the man's neck, his blood dripped from your muzzle. You look up at the second figure-Dean- He holds a gun right at you, and then... BANG

  You jump up awake; sweat and tears pour down your face. Your heart beats rapidly, to the point where it feels like it's going to burst out of your chest. You struggle to catch your breath through the tears, your chest heaves as you hyperventilate. You lay your head in your hands, as you sob. All you can think about is the sound of Sam screaming in agony. You eventually are able to calm yourself somewhat down, after telling yourself that it's just a dream, and it's not real. You wipe away your tears with the palm of your hand and look up at the grimy old window next to the couch. You sniffle as you sit up and lean towards the window, you look past the dust and up at the sky. There a bright full moon, surrounded by many shimmering stars. You let out a sigh of relief, knowing for sure that this is real.

  You slide yourself off the couch and place your feet on the cold hard wooden floor. You start to make your way to the kitchen, but you stop at the stairway; knowing Sam and Dean's room is up there. You push yourself to keep moving, so you do. You walk into the kitchen and grab ahold of the doorknob to the front door. You let out a breath and twist the handle open. You are embraced by the moon's golden light shining down upon you, along with the wind whistling through your hair. You take a step forward and walk out of the house leaving the door behind you open.

  Dean lays against the wooden headboard, with his arms crossed and his eyes half open. He listens to the sounds of his younger brother tossing and turning in own bed. He lets out a heavy sigh, as he wonders where Castiel currently is. He let the angel finally leave, but he feels like it wasn't that good of an idea. What if he gets hurt? What if something else- Suddenly a loud bone-chilling howl pierced the still night air. The hunter raced and jumped up, his thoughts instantly disappearing, as he grabbed his gun off his nightstand and ran to the dusty window. At first, he couldn't see anything through the dust and cobwebs, but then as wiped the glass somewhat clean he saw a dark figure standing in the middle of Bobby's junkyard. "Shit!" The man cursed to himself, as he shoved the door open and ran downstairs...

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