Chpt 11: Suds and Bubbles

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  Your coat of fur feels very heavy, as it weighs you down. This felt very unpleasant. You made a groaning noise, which only made the two men chuckle. There hands moved all over your body, causing sud bubbles to rise and float around.

  You felt the sudden urge to shake your coat, to at least dry yourself, and so you did. You ended up sending water and soap, all over the two men. "Again seriously!?" Dean had about enough of you, and you could tell, but you still continued to get on his nerves, because you enjoyed it. It was only fair right? And besides even if he acts like he can't stand you, you know he actually cares for you.

  A large bubble passed by your face, catching your attention. You watched as it floated above your head, you growl at the bubble, before you launched yourself upwards to catch the bubble within your mouth. "Would you just stay still?" Dean sighed Another bubble passes, you try to catch it. Your jaws snapping shut, makes a loud chomp sound as you miss it.

  Sam laughs, "relax Dean, she's just having fun" "Well she's making this longer than it has to be" You look at Dean, panting happily. You then rub your wet body against his pants, making him soaked. Dean let out another sigh, as he scrubs your back. Sam tries his best to not get the suds in your eyes or ears, as he washes your face. You stay still for him, letting his fingers slide down, and scrub your slick fur. You lick at the water that covers his arm.

  "Thank god," Dean huffs, as you finally stop moving, this finally gives him the chance to scrub your legs. You wag your tail, and let out a bark, pulling your head away from Sam, to see Bobby walking outside. "Hey Bobby!" Sam waved, and Dean soon did too. "Hey, just came to check up on ya, see if the old girl outsmarted you in some way or another"

  Dean rolled his eyes, "as if she can out-smart us" You turn your head, and look at him, before you started shaking your body, sending the water and suds flying off, once again. Dean grunted, "do it one more time and I swear-" Sam laughed, "I think that's her telling you off" "I'll tell you off..." The older brother grumbled under his breath. Bobby gave a smile, "good dog" You barked, and looked up at the old man.

  "There done! Time to wash off" Dean straightened his back, and grabbed the hose, turning it on. Water starts pouring out, you can't help but try to bite at it, this causes the men to laugh. As soon as you think your successful at catching it, it just goes away; slipping through your teeth. You growl at the hose, "alright that's enough" Dean chuckles, and then places the water on your body.

  He washes the suds off your back, leaving silky smooth fur behind. He then washes your legs off, as well as your neck and tail. Sam then covered your eyes the best he can, as the water flows down your face. You huff and pull your head away, not liking it. "Relax, your fine" You hear Dean, speak in a comforting voice. The man then washes the suds off your face, and pulls away, turning the hose off.

  "Here you'll need this," Bobby spoke, handing Dean a large rolled up cloth. "Thanks," Dean unrolls the cloth, and starts rubbing it against your body. You whine in confusion, as you didn't like the feeling of your fur being pulled in a bunch of different directions. Another urge to shake off overcame you, which you obeyed to it. For the fifth time you shake your body, making Sam huff as he shields his face from the water, "aha! Didn't get me that time!" Dean laughs as it seems that he shielded himself from the water with the white cloth.

  Dean then continues to rub this cloth over you, until he stops a few minutes later. He exhales a breath, "finally were done" he pulls the cloth away, and looks at how it's covered in long strands of raven black fur. You bark and nudge your head into Sams leg, drying yourself off. You make weird noises, that consist of a wonky howl, and a growl, as you continue to do this. "I think she's broken," Dean lips pursed into a small smile, and looked up at his brother.

  "You'd better get her inside before she starts rolling in the dirt" Bobby added. Dean hurried, and grabbed the rope from Sam's hand, "oh hell no. I'm not having that" The man then quickly brought you back inside, he dropped the rope as you started rolling around on the carpet.

  Sam and Bobby walked inside behind Dean, "I smell like a wet dog" The shorter man mumbled before hurrying to the taller one, "dibs on the shower!" He raised his voice with a cheeky smile on his face, before he raced up the stairs. Sam was left with a -are you serious? You are a literal manchild- look, as he let out a huff of air, and sat down on a chair in the living area.

  Sam watched as you continued to roll around. It was strange to him, to see a dog about the size of a wolf, rolling around acting like a small puppy, but even if it was strange, it still brought a smile on his face. "Hey Sam you might want to see this," Bobby walked over to his desk, pulling out a large book, and the same slip of paper that came out of your collar. The tall man got up and walked over to Bobby.

  "You already translated it? You didn't have too," Sam started, as he stared down at the new message that was written to where he could read it. "Yeah well I needed something to do" Sam chuckled as he read the message out loud, "light and dark are united- William Thompson...What is that suppose to mean?" Sam looked up at Bobby with a confused look, "I haven't figured that out yet, but one thing I do know is that name sounds familiar" "By familiar.. Do you mean William Thompson the Philosopher?" Sam looked back down at the papers. "No you idjit! He's a hunter, at least he was" Bobby reached over the desk and grabbed a glass filled with some honey-colored liquid, and took a sip out of it.

  "Was?" Sam questioned. "Yeah was. The man just seemed to vanish a while back ago, some rumors spread saying that he started making some crazy science experiments, and how he started working with demons and angels" "Seriously? Do you believe that?" Bobby shrugged his shoulders, "the guy acted like he had screw loose, but I don't think he would of gone that far" Sam went quiet for a moment, going through his thoughts. "Where was William last seen?" "As if I know, he spent most of his time in some cabin. I could try to get some information on where it's located" Sam slowly nodded, "yeah that would be great, it could give us a lead, thanks Bobby" "You're welcome, but i'm not going to be doing all of this alone, you can start looking and see if there's anything useful"  Sam smiled, "alright Bobby"

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