Chpt 25: Back in Black

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  "Crowley sends his regards" One of the black suit wearing demons grin, just before a female demon flicked her hand to the side sending, you, Sam, and Dean flying in different directions.

  All the breath in your lungs gets knocked out of your body, as you crash painfully into the ground. You scrunch your eyes tightly as you try to hurry and push yourself off the cold dirty earth, your arms wobble as you successfully manage to lift your body back onto your feet. You look up and see one of those foul creatures start quickly heading over for you; with a quick glance to your left, you see Sam and Dean, dealing with their own problems. You're going to have to deal with this demon yourself.

  You pull out the knife Dean gave you, and ready yourself. The demon just scoffed at your puny weapon, as he cracked his knuckles and took a swing at you. You manage to dodge the hit just by a few inches; with a quick swing of your own, you plunge the knife into the demon's abdomen.

  With a victorious gasp of your breath, you smirk and quickly look up at the creatures face, hoping to see the defeat in its eyes; but all you see is its devious grin as it remains unphased. You gulp down on your sudden fear, as the demon raises its hand and smacks you strikingly hard across the face; sending you back onto the ground.

  The hit brings tears in your eyes, but you don't let that stop you-you stay determined to win this fight. Once again you push yourself back up off the ground, you manage to get up in time to watch the demon pull out your knife from its body and toss it aside.

  The demon charges you once again, it swings its fist at you, but you dodge and slam your own fist into the jaw of the creature. That sends shock waves of pain in your hand, "dammit!" You hiss, just before the demon slams his own fist into your still healing ribs. Your knees buckle, as you lose your balance for a moment; but unfortunately, you find out every second counts in a fight. Whilst you lose your balance the demon took advantage of this and threw you into the dirt, making you land hard on your stomach. It then grabbed your arms from behind and held onto you tightly, taking away any possible movement from you.

  You tried to struggle against the demon's grip, but alas there was no use. You listened to the demon chuckle, as you tried to fight away with all your might; it made your stomach churn, as you knew it took pleasure in your struggle.

  You hurried an looked over to Sam and Dean, Sam was currently being held against a tree by a demon, and Dean was in a knife fight with that female demon. "Hurry up and deal with them! We have what we need!" The demon holding you shouted to the others. Sam's gaze quickly looked over you, "Y/n!" He shouted as he pushed the demon off of him before he dug his own knife into the demon. You watched as the demons insides glowed for a moment before falling down-dead.

  Sam quickly started to run towards you, but to the right of you, all you hear is the click of a gun. Everything around you seems to slow down. You turn to your right, just to see another demon holding a revolver in its hands. The hammer was already pulled back, it's finger inches away from the trigger. Your heart skips a beat, as you look back at the hunter. "Sam!" You scream out, just as the sound of a gunshot pierces your ears.

  Everything then seems to go by in a flash. Sam falls onto his knees, as his hand is pressed up against this chest. Dean yells his brother's name, as the female demon, he was fighting screams in pain just before collapsing onto the ground.

  You watch in shock as the older brother runs to the other. You don't even notice that it seems almost a hundred times harder to breathe, but you do notice a boiling raging anger that spreads within your body. Your sharp gaze travels over to the demon holding the revolver. Your body begins to shake, as a growing searing pain starts against your neck. You feel your whole body grow rapidly hot, and the bones in your body start to ache. All the thoughts in your mind disappear, and only one takes their place. Revenge.

  A low growl echoes in your throat, and you feel an overwhelming power form within you. Your teeth start to ache painfully, and your nails start to growl to a point- but all this doesn't matter to you, all you care about is that demon holding that damn revolver. You manage to easily push yourself away from the demon that's holding onto you. It was like he wasn't even trying to hold you back at all. You charge at the revolver holding demon, and as soon as you knew it you were running onto two feet to four paws. You lunge your body onto the demon, growling fiercely. Your upper lip curled, revealing all those sharp fangs just waiting to puncture the flesh of the creature. You stare into the demon's eyes, you could see all its fear dancing within those pupils. Your sharp claws dig deep enough into its shoulders, that they began to draw blood. "P-P-Please! This wasn't my idea! I-I was forced to!" The demon begged. Its pitiful words were nothing to you. Drool dribbled out of your mouth and dripped onto the demons black suit. A roaring growl grew louder and louder within your throat, as you stare down the ugly pathetic demon. You drew your head and neck back, just before you plunge your fangs deep into the demons soft-fleshy neck. His screams echoed loudly in your ears. Black thick smog started to blow out of the mouth of the creature, but you bit down harder, and you watched as the smog had no other choice, but to retreat back into the demon's body. You listened as the demon chocked and gagged own its own smog, as you tore your fangs into its flesh, splattering its blood everywhere. The demon began to cough on its own blood, as you continued to shred, tear, and even pull off the soft skin of its throat. The demon struggled underneath you, its body shaking, as it tried to get away. Its bloody hands tried to push your muzzle away, with all its strength but it was just too late. It's movements slowly came to a stop, and you listened to the last few gurgles and gags it made before that came to a stop as well.

  You slowly pulled yourself away from the carcass, with a growl still rumbling in your throat, as you still sensed another demon. You turn your body around and stare at the demon that held onto you. It stood there in shock and surely fear as well. A loud bark quickly escaped your mouth, as you jumped forward. That was enough to scare that demon away, as it quickly disappears out of sight. Your chest heaved with quick and heavy breaths, as you started to calm yourself down. You let out a huff, before you rubbed your muzzle against your paw, trying to get the extra bits of remaining flesh off of you. Though your grooming came to a quick stop, as another click of a gun echoed in your ears.

 You growled and quickly turned into the general direction of where the sound came from-but you completely stopped when you saw who made the sound. Dean- holding a gun in one hand, and his brother in the other.

  Your ears shot back, and your tail hides between your legs, as you soon realize what you have done. A low whine whimpered in your throat, as you looked on at Sam. Blood covered his hand and most of the shirt that was tied around his wound. His face was pale, but he still managed to look on at the horror you have caused. You take a light step forward towards the men, but Dean waves his gun at you with a stern expression on his face. "You stay back, goddammit!" You let out another whine, as you take another step forward.

  Sam stares on at you, watching you slowly walk toward him. The hunter tries to sit up from his brother's arms but winces in pain. His hand clutched the bloody flannel his brother tied around him, to try to stop the bleeding. "Dean.." Sam tried to grabbed his brothers attention, as he stared into your approaching eyes. Someway or somehow, he knew that you meant no harm to him or his brother. He could just see the guilt that you carried within your very eyes. "Don't make me shoot you.." He heard his brother grumble between his teeth. "Dean!" The older brother looked down at Sam. " Stop... Please.." Sam gave his brother his best puppy dog eyes before coughed harshly into his arm. Dean seemed to hesitate for a moment, before listening to his brother. The hunter then slowly put away his weapon, before caring for his brother.

  This seemed to be your chance to fully approach the men, and that's what you did. With your head down low, you slowly walked over to Sam and Dean. You constantly let out a whine every now and again to show that you were trying to be kind. You were now 2 or 3 feet away from them, and all you can smell is the strong scent of Sam's blood. It almost made you sick. You had to do something, and it had to be quick. You knew if Sam was left out here any longer in his condition he would surely die, or he would attract some large animal that would probably eat everyone.

  With quickly thinking you barked at Dean, and put your nose to the ground, and began to search for the quickest route to the Impala.

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