Chpt 27: What I Leave For You

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  Sam groaned as he slowly woke up, he moves his hand to the right side of the bed, expecting to feel you by his side, but it was empty. Confused Sam sat up, and look at the empty bed, and then at the empty room, "Y/n?" The man stood up, tossing the blankets off him. As soon as he sat up he heard a clink hit the ground. With curiosity he walked over to the other side of the bed, he bent down on his knee and look under the mattress. Slowly Sam reached his hand under and grabbed what dropped.

  The hunter kept in his breath as he stared at what he held; y/n collar. Its crystal gleamed slightly as the man's touch. Sam hurried and sat up, and raced down the stairs. "Dean!" The hunter ran into the living area and saw his brother asleep. "Shit" Sam then ran into the kitchen, hoping to see you, but you weren't there either. Finally, Sam ran out the front door, into the pouring rain, "Y/n!"

  Your paw splashed into another murky puddle. Your wet soaking fur weighed you down heavily. Each step you took was a struggle. Thunder rumbled loudly above you, it just made you even wearier, you tried to speed up your pace. It was too cold to stay out here for too long, soon you'll have to find some shelter.

  "What do you mean she's gone?!" Dean repeated as Sam stressed pacing around. "I mean she's gone! I-I can't find her! The only thing left is her collar!" Dean huffed a sigh, as he ran his hand down his face, "all right we need to calm down. We can't do anything if we're both panicking" Sam stopped pacing around, and looked down at your collar, "right- you're right..." "Okay... Now let's think. Where would the first place Y/n go?" "I don't know Dean... She could have gone anywhere" "All right, well let's put out a lookout. Maybe one of the others hunters around here could find her" "...But that could let Crowley or the angels know that she's not with us" Sam countered Dean's plan. "Well, it's our best option!" Dean sighed once again, "but you're right it is risky.." Sam looked out the window, "it's raining.." "Yeah, it does that" Dean plopped down on the couch, and put his head in his hands. "No Dean, I mean it's raining... so she'll have to be somewhere near here!"

  You see a dim light through some trees, and you can barely hear the sounds of car engines in the storm. You continue to push yourself through the muck. Finally, you get to a bush, where you push your muzzle through the shrub, just to see a small dinner will neon lights. You can tell you haven't been to this dinner before with Sam and Dean, and you can understand why; this place stinks like awful garbage and god knows what else, but even if it is crappy it'll have to do. You inhaled a breath of heavy air, and you focused your mind on changing your form. This time it took you a bit longer, than before, but you still managed to change. Mud clung to your jeans and boots, and your hair and clothes were drenched in water. Slowly you slugged your way through the bushes and puddle and made your way to the dinner.

  "You sure about this Sammy?" "Yes-no... I don't know Dean.." Sam sighed and sat down on the kitchen chair, and stared at the collar in his hands. The red crystal was dim and pale, he never saw it like this before; it made him worried. He wisped his thumb over the smooth rock, and watch it gently glow ever so softly. "All right how 'bout this. We call all the hunters near us and let them know. Then we go and look for Y/n" Sam looked up at his brother with a confident look, "all right. Let's do it"

  A small bell rang as you entered the dinner, a few strange looking men stared at you as you walked by and took a seat on the bar stool. "What can I get you?" A long-bearded man across the counter came over to you. "Nothing... Just trying to get out of the rain.." "That's understandable," the bearded man heaved a hearty laugh, just before walking off. You sigh as you notice the lights in the ceiling begin to flicker. A shiver chills down your spine, as move your wet hair out of your face. You then stare at the barely clean counter, while a man pulls out a seat right next to you. A familiar scent fills your nose, its distracting and fiercely strong. You can instantly tell nothing good can come out of this. "My my... What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" You freeze as you recognized that voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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