Chpt 17: Clothes

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   Slowly opening your eyes, you wake to the sound of men talking. With your eyes half opened, you saw the two brothers talking to the angel, you listen closely to what they are saying. "I didn't know this was going to happen, Dean." "So what if you didn't know, why did you even do it in the first place!" The angel sighed, "because it was an order- I had no other choice" "Whose order was it?" You hear Sam question.

   "The Garrison's. They found out I knew you had y/n, so they sent me out to dispose of her" "Is the Garrison, also the reason why you look like you got the shit beat out of you?" Dean asked, sounding caring. "Yes..and no, it was a group of other angels who did this, but that does not matter.."

   You suddenly feel guilty, knowing your the reason why the angel is hurt. You've decided not to listen any more, so you sit up straight, and rub your eyes with the palm of your hand. Sam's the first to notice you, "hey y/n" He waves at you, with a sympathetic smile on his face. "Hey Sam?" You respond, not knowing if you did correctly, but you wave back at him anyways, because you seen other humans do it.

   "Sleeping beauty finally awake?" Dean asked, looking over at you. "Yeah" Sam answers for you. "Well that's just great! We can finally get some answers" Dean gives you a smile, as you notice him looking you up and down, "well uhh first off. You might wanna get dressed" You tilt your head at his words, "w-what do you mean?" Sam picked up a pile of neatly folded clothing, and handed it to you. "He means you should put these on, its some of our old clothes, but it should work for you for now.."

   You take the clothing from him, still confused. "Here, I'll show you to the bathroom" Sam offered, as he got up from his chair, and waited for you to get up. As slowly get off the couch, with the blanket still wrapped around your body, your legs wobble as you try to stand.

   You hold onto the couch, while you try to balance yourself. You feel Sam's hand on your shoulder, "here let me help you.." You smile at his kindness, as you lean against him. "Thank you... I g-guess walking on two legs is still unusual to me" Sam let out an airy laugh, "I bet. Everything must be so strange to you" Sam started, to walk you out of the room. "Yes...It is" "Well here's the bathroom. You go ahead and get dressed, I'll uhh be out here if you need me.." You nodded; walking in, with Sam closing the door behind you.

   You stare into the reflective piece of glass on the wall, setting the clothing on the sink, you stare at yourself. It's like your a whole different person, which you are in a way. You shake your head, not liking the idea of all of this. A sigh escapes your lips, as you pick up a piece of clothing. It looks like one of the shirts Sam and Dean wear all the time, it has many checkered squares that are colored red and black.

   You slip it on, immediately noticing that it is too large for you, though you didn't mind. You begin to button up the shirt, like Sam has done before to his own shirt. Next you pick up a grey pair of shorts...? You didn't question it, you just slipped them over your legs, nearly falling over in the process. Once you finally managed to put on the clothing, you notice how the shorts hang very very loosely on you hips. You just shrug your shoulders, not minding it at all. You bend over and pick up the wool blanket off the ground, and wrap it around your body, and enjoy the warmth it brings to you, a comfortable sigh leaves your mouth.

   You hear a knock at the door, "Y/n are you done?" Sam's voice asks, through the door. "Y-yes" You say quietly, before opening up the door. Sam looks surprised, as he looks you up and down. "Huh" "What...?" You ask confused. "Oh nothing..It's just that you look nice" He smiles at you, as he gives you his hand.

   You let out a little laugh, "thank you.. For the compliment...and clothing. I am much warmer now" You take his hand, and he helps you walk into the living area. "It's no problem," Sam sat you down on the couch, and took the spot next to you. "A bit big, but the outfit looks great on you" Dean smiled. You smile back at him, as you adjust the wool blanket around you.

   "So let's get down to business, you said something about being around magic, and that it could have caused.... All of this, right?" You nodded, "right" "What kind of magic?" Sam asked. You begin to fiddle with the crystal on you collar, "that I am unsure of.." You look down, at the rug on the floor, remembering how just a few days ago you were covered in fur, and rolling around on said rug.

   Sam stares at the crystal, you keep messing with, "hey y/n? The crystal, does it happen to contain angel grace?" You froze, and looked up at the man, wondering how he knew. "Yes" Sam's brows furrowed, as he bit his bottom lip, "with their grace, angels are able to heal themselves, right?" Castiel nods, "yes. That is true" "Okay, so what if when you tried to smite, Y/n. The crystal stopped you, and somehow ended up changing Y/n into a human?" "That could be possible," Castiel spoke with a guilty tone. "So we're putting the blame on the crystal?" Dean questioned. "I guess so, it's our only lead" Sam looked up at his brother, with a focused expression.

   "Huh..Well now that we sorta have this situation solved, how 'bout we get something to eat?" Dean asked, standing up from his chair. "I don't think going out is a good idea, Dean" Sam spoke, while rubbing his hands together. "Sure it is! And besides we haven't had breakfast yet" Dean wore a smile on his face.

   "If you are all going out, I believe I should leave.." Castiel mumbled, under his breath. "Not so fast, Cas. Your going with us!" "Dean, I'm not sure-" "You said that the other angels hurt you, what's stopping them from doing it again? You're staying with us for a while, and that's final" Dean's voice was stern, as he spoke to the angel. Castiel just sighed, and slouched against the wall, you felt bad for him. Sam shrugged his shoulders, and looked over at you, "I guess we're going out, uhh you ready to go?"

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