Chpt 18: Bacon

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    (Hey guys, I'd like to say a few things before we start off this chapter lol. First off I must apologize for the long wait with no updates, my computer broke so I had no way of updating, but luckily I just got back my better one :) Now the second thing.... I just have to say, you guys are amazing! At first I honestly thought this story wouldn't do that good, and I didn't expect I would get this far, but you guys keep giving me so much support about it, and telling me you really enjoy it!I just need to say thank you, thank you all so very very much! Every single comment you guys leave, always make me so happy, just AHH THANK YOU, I APPRECIATE YOU SO VERY MUCH!! STAY AWESOME AND HAVE A GREAT DAY AND ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!!!!)

   With his arm slung around your shoulder, Sam helps you make your way to the Impala. The warmth of his body radiates on to you, making you feel snug and safe. "We're going to have to get you a cane or something," Sam said with a smile. "Why's that?" You ask with, curiosity. "I can't keep walking you around like this," he chuckled. Confusion sparked in your head, "why not?" You notice Sam's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Well..Uhh, don't you find it a bit uncomfortable?" Your head tilts at his words, "not one bit, I enjoy it actually" You speak with a small smile on your face, as you reach the Impala.

  You lean against the cool vehicle, as Sam opens the backseat door for you. The color of his cheeks grow into a darker shade of pink, as he smiles awkwardly, and pushes a hand through his hair. "Thats...thats..Uhh alright! Just go ahead and climb in, Dean should be out here in a few minutes.." He gestured you inside the Impala. Your smile grew wider, and did what he asked.

  Sam shut the door, and then sat in the seat in front of you. You look out the window, and see Dean talking into that familiar looking rectangle device, you couldn't hear what he was saying, but you did notice that he looked happy. After he was done talking to the speaking rectangle, he shoved it in to his pocket, and said a few words to Castiel, who was standing behind him.

  The two men then started walking to the vehicle, Dean climbed into the driver's seat, and Castiel opened the back door, and sat down next to you. Dean turned his key into the ignition, and immediately the engine of the Impala began to purr. A smile was plastered onto his face, as he looked into the rearview mirror, "greasy food, and hot coffee, here we come!"

  A few minutes pass, and you were now on the road to the nearest town. You stare at the passing trees, while you listen to the music Dean played, on what he calls a 'radio'. "Y/n" You hear your name spoken in a low voice, you turn your head and see Castiel. He looks down at you, with guilt in his eyes, "yes?" "I would like to apologize to you," you suddenly realize what this is about, and your heart aches. "Oh...Castiel. You don't have to apologize.." "No. You don't understand. I need too, so please. Let me" You gave Castiel a sympathetic smile, as he began speaking. "The actions I have done, and the ways I have treated you, are truly appalling. If there was able to undo what I have done, then I would have already did it. You may not forgive me, and I understand why if you don't, but I just wanted you to know that... I am truly sorry" The angel then looked away, and stared out the window. Your heart began to ache more, you place your hand on his shoulder, which sends a tingling sensation in your fingers, but you ignore it. "I forgive you, Castiel, and I would also like to apologize" Castiel turned and looked at you, his eyes squinted as he gave you a confused look, "why are you apologizing?" "Because, its my fault for getting you hurt, and getting all of you into my mess."

  Castiel didn't say anything- for Dean interrupted him, "hey now! Don't blame yourself for this, none of its your fault Y/n" Sam quickly agreed, "yeah! In fact it was us, who went looking for you. So technically you didn't get us into anything" Castiel then also nodded, "do not blame yourself, there is no need of it" The angel gave you a small smile.

  "Now that we're all friends now, how 'bout we get some food" Dean spoke in a happier tone, as he pulled into an empty parking space, outside a small diner. "Sounds good to me," Sam chuckles, as he climbed out of the vehicle. He opened your door, and helped you out. Dean and Cas also climb out, and shut their doors. Once again Sam put his arm on your shoulders, and helped you walk inside the diner. You sat on the inside of the booth, right next to the window and Sam sat right next to you. Castiel sat straight across the table from you, and Dean slid into the space next to him.

  Dean then clapped his hands together eagerly, "whose getting what?" "I'll probably just have a salad, what do you want Y/n?" Sam looks at you with a smile on his face, "I uh don't know.." You mumble quietly, as a young looking blonde lady walks over to your table, "hello fellas! What would you like today?" She wore a bright smile, and spoke with a bouncy attitude, but you can tell something was a bit off with her. You quickly gaze at her attire, she wears a short yellow dress, with an apron on it. Perhaps you are just to judgmental? You shake off that weary feeling.

  "Could we get a menu?" Sam asks kindly. "Of course! Here you are, I'll come back in a few minutes once your ready!" The women handed Sam the menu, and walked off to another table. "Here, go ahead and find something you like" Sam then handed you the folded menu, "okay.." You look at the many food choices on the paper, 'Breakfast menu: Waffles, Pancakes, Eggs and Bacon, Fruit Salad, Sausage egg biscuit, and ect.' There's so many choices, you don't know what to pick. "What do you recommend?" You look up at the three men. "Well the pancakes and bacon is pretty good, and that's what i'm getting" Dean speaks with a smirk. "Okay I'll have that," you smile. "And what do you want to drink?" Sam asks. "Water is fine," you respond. The lady came back to the table, with a small notebook, "you guys decided what you want?" Dean looks up at the women, "Yeah, we'll have three coffee's, one water, two orders of pancakes and bacon, and..." "Fruit salad" Sam finishes Dean's sentence. "Yeah that.." Dean huffs, with a smile.

  The women writes down what they say, "Alrighty! Your food will be ready in a few minutes!" She then walks off. You smile happily to yourself, and look out the window. You listen to the many sounds of other people talking, as you breath in the many scents of different foods, and drinks. It's somewhat relaxing in a way.

  "Oh yeah, Sammy. I forgot to tell you that Bobby called me earlier today" "He did? What'd he say?" "Well he told me that he's off in some magical hunting trip with Rufus" "Oh yeah? What are they hunting?" "A rogue wendigo, that's been on a killing spree" "Seriously? Do you think they need help?" Sam asks with concern in his voice. "Nah, they can handle it. Besides we have our hands full" Dean leans back in the booths seat.

  You furrow your brows, as you become confused. "What's a wendigo?" "It's a type of monster" Sam answers, "you've never heard of it?" You shake your head no. "That's weird.. Wasn't your uhh....owner a hunter?" Dean asks. "Yes, but he never took me out that much, I mostly stayed inside..." You let your fingers brush over your collar, as you go quiet for a moment. "Your past, it upsets you?" Castiel speaks up. You look at the angel, and give a weak smile, "yes in a way it does" "I have learned over time that most living creatures are always troubled with there past, but I have also learned once they have 'cope' with it, they live a happier and better life. Perhaps you should try 'coping' with your past?"

  You slowly nod your head, "I will try too. Thank you, Castiel" You give the angel a smile, just before the lady came to the table, holding a platter of food. "Here is your two pancakes, and fruit salad, along with the coffees and water! If y'all need anything else just haller for me darlin" She set down the food, and quickly walked off. "Finally!" Dean grabs his plate, and pulls it towards him. Sam huffs a laugh, and scoots your plate to you, "here you go" "Thank you" "Welcome," he smiles, as he brought his own meal to him, after he handed you, your cup of water.

  You stare at the plate of food that sits before you, it smells deliciously sweet. Your mouth starts to water, as you pick up a piece of bacon. Your teeth crunch down on the crispy meat, and you are immediately in love with this food item. You close your eyes, as a happy sounding whine rumbles in your throat, and you sway your body from side to side. You then hear Sam's laugh, which makes you open your eyes, and look at him. His hand is covering his mouth, as he tries to hide the huge grin on his face. You then look over at Dean, who is starring at you with an -what the actual hell, are you okay, what is happening- expression. Finally you look at Castiel, he stares at you with a furrowed brow, and a confused expression. "Y/n.." Dean starts off, you look back at him. "What was that?" Your cheeks start to turn red with embarrassment. "Bacon makes me happy"

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