Chpt 19: Shopping

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   After finishing your meal, Dean decided we all should go shopping for "proper clothes'" for you. You don't understand why, because the clothes you're wearing now seem just fine -although there a little big-, but you don't question it.

  The Impala rolls up to a seeming small building, that had large words on it which spells out, "Shopping-Mart" Dean parks the Impala, and then all of you exit the vehicle and enter the building.

  Dean pushed open the door, and you're immediately greeted with a small bell ringing and a blast of cold air. You look around the area curiously, and saw a bunch of clothes stacked on racks, and some weird small pillars holding shiny things, and a bunch of other knick-knacks you didn't care for.

  "The women's clothes should be in the back," Dean stated, as he quickly began to guide our strange little group to the back. "And how would you know that?" Sam questioned, which Dean just replied with a smirk. You noticed that Castiel seemed to vanish away from the men. You quickly look around for him, and finally you notice him a distance away, holding some red box with a handle, that said jack-in-a-box on it. You wander what it was, but you just smile to yourself knowing that the angel was okay.

  "Okay.. So we need a warm shirt and some jeans," Dean mumbled to himself, as he looked through a bunch of clothing. You looked up at Sam who was waiting patiently at your side. With curiosity you looked around again, until something caught your eye: a f/c bracelet, with two small black beads on it, that was on one of those small pillars. You immediately wanted to walk over to it, but you knew your balance wasn't good enough, but still you were persistent. You gently shove yourself away from Sam, which gained his attention, and slowly made your way over to the pillar, without losing your balance.

  Once you were up closer to the bracelet, it seemed even more beautiful. "Do you like it?" You hear Sam's voice behind you. You quickly turn around and look at the man, and you nod your head. "Well lets see how much it is" Sam picked up the bracelet and look at the small piece of paper attached to it. "Huh not bad-" "I think I found the right clothes just for you y/n!" Dean walked up to you, holding a green t-shirt, a black denim jacket, and a pair of blue jeans. You stare at the clothing in his hands, they look uncomfortable. "How do you know there going to fit?" Sam asks. The smirk on Dean's face disappeared, "well they look like they fit.." Sam sighed, and rolled his eyes, "alright it'll have to do. Now where's Cas?"

   Suddenly a loud crashing sound went off, which nearly made you jump out of your skin. "I think we just found him," Dean started, as he tossed the clothes to Sam, and quickly marched off. You looked at Sam, who looked equally confused as you felt. Then the two of you quickly hurried over to Dean, just to see Castiel on the floor, right next to a fallen down shelf, with glass shattered everywhere, and a red jack-in-a-box, right next to the angel. "Dammit Cas! What the hell?" Dean spoke somewhat angrily, while helping the angel up. "The puppet in the box frightened me Dean" Was all Castiel had to say. "What's going on? Who made this mess!?" An angry shopkeeper, appeared out of a small room, yelling. "We don't know, sir. The shelf fell on it own, honestly it scared the living daylights out of me," Dean spoke in an cheesy shocked voice. "You must have a ghost!" "A ghost?" The shopkeeper questioned. Sam began to speak up, "yeah a ghost! We uhh aren't to fond of ghost, you know? We're uhh very superstitious. So can you please check us out, so we can skadaddle?" The shopkeeper glared at Sam, seeming to buy the bullshit he was making up, after a few moments the shopkeeper agreed, and then proceeded to check out the items Sam had.

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