Chpt 14: The Truth

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  "Don't make me repeat it again! The cabin is somewhere near the river, hidden in the woods!" Bobby spoke with an irritated tone, over the rectangle speaking box. "Okay thanks, Bobby. We'll call you back, once we find it" Sam thanked the older man, before putting the rectangle box in his pocket.

  You stared out the windshield of the Impala, watching the road under you go by in a blur. "I still don't understand how we've never seen this cabin before," Dean started up, his grip tightened around the steering wheel, "I mean-come on how many times have we gone through those woods!"

  Sam nodded in agreement, "I guess it's just well camouflaged" "Yeah...Say, what do you think we're going to find there?" Dean asked, looking over at his brother for a brief moment. Sam tapped his fingers against his knee, as he took in a breath, "I dunno. Hopefully something that will tell us more about y/n, or something that could give us an actual reason of why she's wanted so badly"

  Hearing your name, you let out a yawn, before nudging your muzzle against Sam's shoulder. "Yeah, that'd be nice, she'll no longer be a mystery dog!" Dean gave a gentle smile, as he took one hand off the steering wheel to give you a pat.

  The engine of the Impala shut off, as Dean took out the keys. The two brothers hopped out of the vehicle, and made their way over to the back trunk. As Dean opened it, and revealed the many hidden weapons, Sam opened your door, and let you out.

  The scent of trees and autumn air filled your nose; as the crinkle of the leaves being crunched under the men's boots, echoed in your ears. You stay close to Sams side, as he pulled out a few weapons from the trunk.

  "So what direction do we go?" Dean looked up at his brother; waiting for an answer. "Bobby said the cabins somewhere near the river...So that would be North" "Alright then, let's get to it!" Dean spoke enthusiastically, as he slammed the trunk and began walking.

  You listened to the sounds of the birds chirping, and the bugs buzzing. Every now and then, leaves would be picked up, and they would dance with the steady cool breeze of the wind. The more you examined your surroundings, the more they became familiar. You've been here before, you can tell by the markings amongst the trees, and the piles of random stones on the ground. As you began to piece it all together, you realize something dreadful. You will soon reach the cabin; your old home.

  "Hey Sam, I think I see something!" Dean called out, as he quickened his pace. Sam followed behind him, and before they even knew it, an abandoned looking cabin sat in front of them.

  "Wow..It certainly seen better days" Dean mumbled, under his breath. "Yeah that's for sure. It looks like its about to collapse at any moment..."

  You crept forward, scents you thought you've forgotten a long time ago, filled your nose. You move up towards the door; the paint on it slowly peeling away, as rust took over. Dean moved up behind you, his hand reached the handle, and opened the door with a loud squeak. "Oh god" Sam covered his nose, as a wretched stench crawled its way out of the cabin.

  You move your way past the smell, and walk inside. The wooden floor was damp, and had patches of growing fungus on top of it. You look around, seeing a rusted bed against the wall, next to an equally rusted desk, that held many small cages, books, and glass vials. Papers were scattered everywhere, the ink on them has bled over time, so all the words were just one big blob.

  Sam and Dean walked in, there weight makes the floorboards cry out in a loud creek. "Watch your step, Sammy. Don't wantcha falling through the floor" Dean gave his brother a smile, as the two of them looked around the area, examining everything. "Hey, look at this" Dean picked up a golden picture-frame, that contained a photo of an old looking man, holding a small black puppy in his arms. "Huh...That must be William Thompson-" "And this must be y/n" Dean cut off his younger brother, as he pointed at the pup. The shorter man looked at the photo, then at you, and then back at the photo, "wow you were small!" Dean chuckled, as he sat the picture-frame back onto the desk.

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