Chpt 15: Bandages and Blood

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  Sam bolted through the door, holding you tightly in his arms. "Bobby! Bobby!?" The taller man shouted as he ran about the house. "Bobby! Dammit, Sam he's not here!" Dean grabbed his brother shoulder, trying to calm him down.

  Sam pursed his lips, and stared at the ground as he thought of what to do. "The panic room, its has all the supplies we need!" The younger brother, then hurried down the specific room. Sam set your body down on the wooden table, before he started to rummage through all the supplies.

  You move your head weakly, looking at Dean and back at Sam. The pain throbbed, every time you took a breath in. You watched as Sam poured a strong scented liquid onto a cloth, "Dean hold her down, or just hold her mouth shut... This is going to hurt, and she may bite" Sam hated saying those words.

  "Okay...You sure you're know what your doing?" Dean placed his hands over your muzzle, holding onto it somewhat tightly. You notice the apologetic look in his eyes. "Not really, but it's the only thing we can do"

  Sam moves closer to you, as he places the liquid covered cloth up against your wound. You jumpup, a yelp escaping your mouth, as a burning pain shocks you. You try to pull away from Deans grip, but he holds on tightly, determined not to let you go. "I'm sorry," Sam murmurs, as he continues to dab the cloth around the cut.

  Sam removes the cloth, and sets it to the side, as he picks up a pair of tweezers. He takes a quick glance at Dean, before he got to work. He starts to pull the small visible splinters out of your flesh. You flinch every time he plucked out the piece of wood, Dean tries to comfort you by rubbing a small bit of your head, while he still held your muzzle.

  "How much longer?" Dean asked as he looked away from the gory wound. "Almost finished, just have to stitch and apply bandages" Sam picked out the remaining bits of woods, and placed the tweezers on the table. He then grabbed a sewing needle, and a long piece of surgical thread.

  A whimper rumbles, as you see the long needle. You try to move your body, but Dean keeps you from doing so. Pain shoots through you as Sam, pushes the needle through the piece of your skin. Once again you try to tug your head away from Dean, with all the strength you have, you struggle against him.

  "Dammit, Y/n. Calm down!" Dean fights against you, managing to keep you down. You start to feel so tired from using up all your energy, so you just give up against the struggle. You stop moving, and start to close your eyes. Your body felt as light as a feather, as darkness surrounds you.

  Sam being concerned by the sudden change of calmness, checks your pulse, and lets out a breath of relief. "She's out cold..." He looks at his brother, with a worried expression. Dean sighed, and moved his hands away from your muzzle, "okay... Let's hurry and finish this before she wakes up" Sam nodded as he continued to stitch up your wound.

  A few hours pass, you wake in a comfortable spot, known as Sams bed. The room is dark, and all you hear is the sounds of snores, and breathing. You start to get up to look behind you, but a sore feeling in your side stops you. You sniff at the thin white cloth that is wrapped about your ribs, you notice the small blood stains soak through it. A dreadful feeling crawls amongst you as you stare at the cloth.

  You quickly change your gaze to Sam, you watch his chest rise and fall each time he breathes. You then look at his face, his eyes are shut tight, and his brow is furrowed. You can sense the tension flowing off of him, you feel bad for him. Wishing you could do something to sooth him, but alas there is nothing you can do but nudge at his hand and hope for the best.

  A noise coming downstairs grabs your attention, it sounds like something has fallen and knocked other things down. Your ears lift up, as you are now on full alert, and the instinct to investigate kicks in.

  Even though your side maybe killing you, you hop off the bed, and make your way downstairs. You sneak carefully through the dark room, you walk lightly on your paws making little to no noise.

  You see a familiar looking figure in the dark, it seems to be slouching, and holding onto the wall. You move closer to it not feeling any dangerous presence coming off of it.

  As you get closer you notice that the figure is a man; a man wearing a dirty trench coat. Castiel- the name comes into your head. You notice how his face is battered with bruises and blood, he looks hurt.

  You quickly move towards him, feeling worried for the man, but as you move he take a step backwards, his back pressing against the wall. Perhaps he didn't trust you? The worry within you grew, you sat down on the floor, and try to look as innocent as possible to show you mean no harm. It seems to work.

  The angle straightened his posture, as he stumbles forward, taking a step towards you. "Your name, its Y/n if I remember correctly" He pauses, as he takes in a breath. "The Winchesters. They've taken a liking towards you, I may not understand why, but I can respect there choice in doing so"

  You stare up at the man, you notice the hurt in his eyes. Somethings wrong, very very wrong. The man looked away from you, but he pulled his gaze back to you. "Y/n...I would like to apologize for what I have to do... Trust me, it is the last thing that I wanted" You tilt your head at his words; what does he mean?

  Castiel extends his hand, and touches your head. A bright light suddenly burst through-out the room, with a loud ringing noise. Scorching pain shoots through your entire body. You can see nothing but a bright white light. A loud boom echoes, and the angel is launched backwards into a wall, his body breaks some of the bricks.

  Sam and Dean jump awake from the noise, and chaos coming from downstairs. "Sam!" Dean shouts, and he hurries out of bed, grabbing his gun off his dresser, with Sam doing the same. They both hurry and push open the door, and storm down the stairs, not ready for what they are about to see.

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