Chpt 21: First's

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   (A very big special thanks to HissHissMothafucka for giving the idea, and helping out with this chapter! I hope you enjoy!)

   Your eyes flutter open as you wake up. You look around and examine your surroundings; a dirty cluttered desk in the back of the room, a dusty old rug on the floor, and bookcases stacked with an endless amount of books, and finally the object you're laying on, an orange/red couch that smells strong of oldness and alcohol. You can tell right away, you're in Bobby's house.

   You push yourself up and rub your eyes with a yawn, for some reason you don't question how you got here. You push your hand through your hair, -a habit you must be learning from Sam- and stand up. You then begin to wonder where the other's are.

   You walk into the kitchen and see Sam and Dean sitting at a table, with Castiel standing awkwardly near the counter. "Afternoon, sunshine!" Dean beamed as he sipped his beer. Sam quickly turned around in his seat, to see if you were actually there and Dean wasn't just fucking with him like he has been all afternoon.

   "Oh, uh hi Y/n!" A smile appeared on your face, you enjoyed being greeted, "hello" You walked over to the table and pulled out a seat for yourself. You noticed Dean was smirking at Sam for some reason, while Sam just gave his brother a good 'ol classic bitch face. You turned around and looked at Castiel, "Hi Cas!" you waved happily at him. "Hello Y/n" You watched the angel adjust his posture, as he stood there. You gazed over at the empty seat between Sam and Dean, "come sit with us" You offered kindly, Dean turned around and looked at the man, "yeah come on take a seat!" He pulled out the chair for the angel, Castiel gave a quick small smile as he sat down next to Dean.

   "So what are our plans; we have half the day to kill and nothing to do," Dean babbled to the group. "I say we just relax here and enjoy ourselves while we still can," Sam offered his opinion. "Nah that sounds boring, besides there's nothing to do here -except read a bunch of old dusty books-," Dean countered. "What about you, Y/n? You got any ideas?" You thought to yourself for a moment, "I'm not too sure" Dean sighed and began to take another drink of his beer -well that is until Cas suddenly spoke up- "We can go to the Bar you always take me too" Dean almost choked on the liquid, as he started coughing harshly into his arm. "Dammit, Cas," was all he muttered, as Sam is the one who is now smirking at the other. "What? I think it is a delightful place," Cas became confused. You giggled into your hand, until you noticed Sam looking at you with a goofy smile on his face, you smiled back before speaking up, "I think going to the 'Bar' is a good idea," you agreed -Even though you have no idea what a Bar is- Dean looked at Cas then Sam and then you, "Alright then let's do it"

   The interesting group you travel with climbed out of the Impala and gazed at the bright neon sign that read 'open'. You all head in and decide to sit in a booth. Cas sits with Dean, and You sit on the outside next to Sam. "Miss we're ready when you are," Dean hollard kindly at the nearest waiter. She smiled, "just give me a few minutes sir, and I'll be right with you" You look around at nice decorations, placed neatly on the walls. Cas was right, this is a delightful place, except for all the people, but other than that it's lovely.

   You noticed Sam moving around a lot in his seat, maybe he was uncomfortable? "Are you okay, Sam?" He quickly looked at you, "yeah. Yeah, I'm good. How about you?' Dean immediately rolled his eyes and gave a disappointed sigh. Sam gave his brother a look, and Dean returned it with a smirk, "I thought I taught you better than that" "Dean!" Sam shouted in embarrassment, you became confused, "what did he teach you?" "Uh, nothing.. Just ignore him," Sam adjusted his hair in frustration.

   "Alright, you two getting the regulars?" The middle-age waiter came to the table. Dean took in a deep breath and cringed to himself. "Uhh yeah.." He finally came around saying. "Alright and what about you love-birds?" She looked over at you and Sam. You smiled, "I'll take whatever he's having" "I'll have a glass of beer, and small coffee" " 'Kay so four mugs, two small coffees, and a plate of fries?" "Yep," Dean nodded and gave the women a smile. " 'kay it'll be here in a bit" You watched the women walk off, before looking at the group. You noticed Dean and Cas looking at each other. Dean looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. You then turn and look at Sam, he was looking down at the table. It was an odd awkward silence, but you didn't mind it, though you still thought it was necessary to start up a conversation. "Much better sitting here, then on the floor," you joke with a smile. Dean snickered a laugh, and Sam looked at you with a smile. "You know you still never answered my question," he teased. "What do you mean?" You asked feeling a bit confused. "I asked you how you were, but you never answered" "Oh! I'm sorry, I'm pretty good. It's nice most of the time with you guys," you giggled. "Most of the time? Why not all the time?" Dean asked in a cheering tone. "You guys can be...Strange at times," you admit with a grin. "And you aren't?" Dean joked back. "Well I never said I wasn't," you look back at Sam, just to see him staring at you, with a laidback smile, and big dreamy eyes that made him look like he was hypnotized by you.

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