~ Chapter 13 ~

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~ Chapter 13 ~

I had never been so nervous in my life. My hands grip the reins as they shake violently. I can feel Bear's rippling muscles tremble beneath me as he paws eagerly at the ground. We were loaded in the gate, the iron barrier being the only thing keeping us from the track. I swing my head over to look at Christina. She stares blankly at the track, her horse standing completely still. Taking on last deep breath, I focus my vision on the track and zone everything out but me and Bear.


The lethal silence is broken by the alarming sound of the bell, and the gates being thrown wide open. Me and Bear rocket out of the gates and take to the track like butter to bread. The sound of his thundering hooves bring a smile to my face as I tighten my grip on the reins. Wind blows through my hair; sand blows in my face. I simply ignore it. All that matters is me, Bear and the track that laid before us. Closer and closer we came to our destination; the finish line. Our hearts beat as one. Suddenly, out of no where, Christina comes rushing beside is. Neck and neck we ride for what feels like hours. Thundering hooves, screaming crowds and flying sand all mix into one huge chaotic bubble. Just more things for me to zone out. I lean my head down to Bear's and whisper into his ear, "Show them what you've got boy."

The stallion wastes no time as he barrels ahead of Christina, literally leaving them in the dust. The finish comes closer and closer as Bear moves faster down the track.

"We've done it boy!"

I spoke to soon.

A pothole comes out of nowhere. By the time I had even noticed it was there, it was too late. Bear steps into the large hole, tripping and falling head-over-heels to the ground. Luckily, I was thrown far enough out of the way that I wasn't hurt.

"BEAR!" I scream.

Christina runs past with a sneer on her face, passing the line and sending the crowd into a hoot.

Luke was already at my side, but by then everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Bear was lying in the middle of the track, on his side. Luke was shouting for someone to call a vet, and then he was trying to take me to a doctor. I shoved him away and ran to my horse.

"Bear please.. Please get up!"

Tears stream down my cheeks as I begin to go into hysterics. Christina was sitting smugly on her horse, but I ignored her. I didn't care about that bitch, or her stupid horse. I just wanted Bear to be okay.

"It's going to be okay boy. We're gonna get you fixed up."

I rest my head on his neck and sob into his mane.

"Please be okay..."

A horse named BearWhere stories live. Discover now