11 : wolfhard's and promises

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"Why can't you come?"

Valoria let out a sigh at her brother's upset tone, "I have that shoot today, I told you about it last week."

"But we're filming big scenes today! I wanted you here!" Finn's voice came out loud, however she knew he was mostly sad.

"I know, Finny," Valoria sighed, "but the shoot was meant to be from five to eight then I was going to make it to your scenes. I overslept though, and now I have to rush to the shoot."

"Why do you have to the photo shoot anyway?" Her brother demanded, "You hate being in the media."

"Its a big opportunity, and I promised mom I would try to inch my way into the spotlight again."

"I don't care!" Finn practically screamed, "You've always been here and now when I want you most you can't come? What kind of bullshit is that? The only reason you're back in media is because you wanted to publicly support me!"

Valoria let out a small sigh, "I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you-."

She heard her brother let out a noise of annoyance, "I don't care."

"Finn, I-" Before Valoria could finish her sentence, Finn had already hung up on the brunette. She let out a loud groan, running her fingers through her hair and tugging at the ends in frustration.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Joe asked, coming to sit beside her on the sofa in his apartment. The two had fallen asleep on the roof and hadn't heard their alarms go off, which led to this exact predicament that Valoria worked so hard to avoid.

"I'm going to miss the shooting of some of Finn's most important scenes all because I couldn't keep track of the fucking time." The brunette let out a bitter laugh, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes.

Before Joe could continue, Valoria decided she might as well let out all of her anger. "I told myself to not even try to get close to anyone, because this was all for Finn. Finn's show, Finn's cast, Finn's friends. I was his support system, just as he was mine. Now here I am, missing out on important details all because I decided to let go for one night! I missed an important shoot and now I'll also miss important scenes."

She let out a breath when she was done, rubbing furiously at her eyes to rid them of the tears that threatened to spill. Joe reached out to hold one of her hand's in both of his, letting out a small breath.

"I think," he began, "you should cancel the shoot and get yourself to Finn's shoot. Text the company and tell them a family emergency popped up. The shoot can either be delayed for tonight, delayed for tomorrow, or cancelled. Now if cancelled, one tweet is all it will take for another company to come try to snatch a deal. Finn will forgive you if you miss a few minutes, but an entire day? That's awful. Now, come on, lets go see all your 'children' in action."

Valoria wiped away the last of her tears as she follow Joe to his car, turning it on wordlessly and driving to the studio. The brunette practically ran onto set, seeing them in the middle of a scene.

Valoria watched her younger brother play out a scene, waiting for the director to yell out cut so the girl could see her brother. Her phone was going hectic with texts from the company, however she could care less. She made her promise to Finn and she would keep it, till the end.

Once the director yelled cut, Valoria was immediately tackled into a hug by Finn, a grin plastered onto his lips.

She laughed softly, hugging her brother back with equally as much force. "I still have to shoot that scene two more times, but what do you think?" Finn spoke, popping his head out of her chest to look up at her.

"You're doing incredible, I'm so proud of you."

"You kept your promise." He beamed, and Valoria nodded, running a hand through his hair with a wide grin. "I wouldn't miss this for the world, remember? When you first got the part I swore to be there as long as you needed me, and Joe helped me get here."

"Joe is the reason you missed your shoot." Finn stated blankly, causing Valoria to let out a short laugh. "You may be right, but I'm also to blame. He just wanted to help me last night."

"He just wants to get into your pants." Finn mumbled lowly, pulling away from his sister, who let out a small gasp. "Finn Wolfhard! Don't you dare say that!"

"You know its true!" He said, aggravated, "All guys are nice till they screw you over! It happened with all of them! Raymond, Tyler, and worst of all, Owen! What's to say Joe won't do it?"

Valoria stared at her brother for a moment before taking in a shaky breath. She had worked so hard to push back the thought of her former lovers, suppressing the memories to the back of her mind. When she finally controlled herself, she sat down on the floor with Finn plopping down beside her and grabbing one of her hands.

"I can't let you get hurt again, I can't let you do it again." Finn's voice came out weak, the fragile child in him coming through with every word. Valoria let out petty chuckle, shaking her head slightly.

"Never again, Finn. I promised, right?"

He nodded, letting out a sigh as he was called back to set. Before running off for makeup touches, he gave his sister one final look. "Please, just keep your heart secure? I can't lose you again."

Valoria nodded, giving his forehead a gentle kiss and watching him run to the hair and makeup table. Once she knew he wasn't looking, her gaze wandered to look at Joe, who stood conversing with a few stage hands. Her heart clenched as she watched him throw his head back in laughter, a small sigh escaping her.

Valoria was caught between a rock and a hard place, and she was extremely unsure which path she truly wanted.

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