16 : missed calls and read texts

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Text Message
Three days ago, 5:21 PM

hoe keery
please talk to me, i'm
sorry about last night. i shouldn't
have overstepped boundaries

Three days ago, 6:56 PM

hoe keery
val please, please at least read these
i'm so sorry, please please answer

Missed call from hoe keery, 7:18 PM

Read, 11:43 PM

Two days ago, 2:15 PM

hoe keery
please stop ignoring me val
please i'm sorry

2 missed calls from hoe keery, 3:40 PM

Two days ago, 4:15 PM

hoe keery
i'm sorry

Two days ago, 4:32 PM

hoe keery
i can't let this go, val i'm
sorry and i don't know how else
to put this into words, i need
you to respond and let me know
you're okay. please just talk to
me because i'm sick of this.

Read, 4:33 PM

Yesterday, 2:07 AM

hoe keery
you might be asleep but you might
not be, but i miss you. its technically
been two weeks of you not talking to
me, ignoring our argument four days ago.
i miss you, val, i really do. i miss the
small pranks and the conversations
and the way you tuck your hair
behind your ear when you're nervous.
i'm so sorry for pushing boundaries and
getting upset at you when all you did was
tell me the honest truth. but val, i need
you to understand that i'm not like
those other guys. i'm fighting for you
and i will continue to fight for you,
because you mean the fucking world
to me. don't act like you don't feel the same,
when your instagram caption and your tweets
speak volumes. i want you val, i don't
care what you think i deserve. i need
you in my life again and i don't want to
settle for friendship because you think
you'll ruin me. i'm a big boy, i can fight.
now please just talk to me.

Missed call from hoe keery, 2:58 AM


i can't stop thinking about you and all i want

is to literally run to you and let myself fall for

you because i really do like you and i want you

just as much as i hope you want me but i'm

too fucking much and you don't deserve to

carry everything i have and you don't deserve

a fucked up mess like me, joe. you deserve the

world and back and i will never be able to give

that to you.


Read, 3:21 AM

Yesterday, 5:17 PM

hoe keery
i don't know what else to do
to show you how much you actually
mean to me, val.

Missed call from hoe keery, 5:32 PM

Yesterday, 6:18 PM

hoe keery
i'm not going to send you empty
texts anymore, because i know we need
to talk face to face. if you want to talk,
meet me tomorrow at 8. you already know
where, because you know me that well.

Read, 6:21 PM

(note !)
1.03k reads and #18 in joe keery, i am forever grateful. this fic has barely been out for a week and its already getting so much love i can't fathom how happy it makes me. thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

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