21 : cooking and songs

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Valoria locked her phone and set it down on the table, resting her head in her hands. She was unsure what just went down between her and Giovanna, but she knew that the friendship she had with the girl was now far gone.

"You alright?" Joe sat down beside her on the sofa, wrapping a free arm around the brunette who buried her head in his chest, shaking her head.

"Gio and I fought."

"What? Why?" Sighing, Valoria pulled out her phone and showed Joe the conversation, allowing him to read through it on his own. Once he finished, he let out a low whistle.

"I'm so sorry."

Val shrugged, "She was always extremely dramatic and over the top, but I loved that about her. I didn't know she would ever use it against me, though. That's what really shocked me."

"Everyone loses friends and gains friends." Joe said, pressing a gentle kiss to Valoria's hair. "It's the way life works. Even though Giovanna may have lasted long, at least now you know that she would have stabbed you in the back."

Valoria nodded, letting out a small sigh. "You're right. I need to not dwell."

Joe nodded, "Exactly. Now, let's forget about Giovanna for a second. What do you want to do today?"

Valoria smiled slightly, grabbing one of Joe's hands and playing with his fingers. "I'm not in much of a going out mood, to be honest. Can't we just chill here?"

She lifted a hand and lazily gesured around Joe's apartment, turning her head to face him.

Joe grinned, "I haven't taken you out on a proper date and I think I have a solution." Valoria furrowed her brows, "Which is?"

"I'll cook us lunch, and we'll have a little picnic upstairs or have dinner and a movie down here. Your choice."

The brunette grinned, leaning up to press a quick kiss to her boyfriend's cheek. "I would love a picnic lunch with you. What can you cook?"

Joe stood up, extending a hand out to Valoria. "Well, follow me to the kitchen and I'll think of things to cook. I'm a great chef."

Valoria followed Joe into his kitchen, hopping up onto the counter and sitting down against the cool marble. She watched the brown-haired male search his cabinets and fridge for a moment before he turned to Valoria, a grin playing across his lips.

"I know what to make, but I want your help."

Valoria smiled, "I hope you know I'm a great cook and I'm ready to help."

She hopped down from the counter and watched Joe pull various foods out of his fridge and freezer. Once everything was set out, Joe handed Valoria a few vegetables, instructing her to chop them up. The brunette complied easily, setting to do just what Joe requested of her.

The pair worked in comfortable silence, the only sounds coming from the clattering of silverware and the sizzling of the stove. Although Valoria liked the silence, she took a small break to grab her phone and put in the first Spotify playlist her finger tapped on, a satisified smile playing on her lips as the music echoed throughout the house.

"If acting runs through the family, do musical abilities run through as well?" Joe asked, giving Valoria a teasing smile. The brunette let out a laugh, handing Joe the bowl of chopped up vegetables before hopping onto the counter beside him. "I think Finn developed those talents on his own. My mom can't sing for shit and nor can I."

"Somehow, I don't believe that." Joe chuckled, causing Valoria to roll her eyes. "You'll never hear me sing so it doesn't matter much."

Joe turned, standing between her legs and placing his hands on her hips. "You're challenging me again."

Valoria laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck loosely. "I'm actually just stating facts. I sound like a dying rat when I sing."

"Say that again babe, that's what every guy dreams of hearing." Joe said lowly, causing Valoria to laugh once again and slap his chest lightly. He laughed, tossing his head back as she slapped his chest once again. "I hate you!"

"You're so good to me." Joe said to Valoria, causing the girl to let out another laugh. "I know, I try."

He stared at the brunette for a moment with a soft smile, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You know," he began softly, "if you hadn't ask to take this slow, I would kiss you. That's all I've been thinking about for the past week, if I'm being honest."

Valoria looked down with a blush creeping onto her cheeks, taking her lower lip in between her teeth. She didn't know what to say to Joe and she wasn't quite sure she was ready for things to stop being slow.

He let out a gentle sigh, leaning towards her and placing a soft kiss to her cheek. "I'm here for it all, Val. I'll wait. Whether it be hours, days, or even months. I'm not leaving."

The brunette grinned, reaching out and cupping Joe's face between her hands. "I won't make you wait long," She said gently, "I just want everything to settle in my life before I jump into something that I know will end up consuming me."

Joe got back to cooking after that, leaving the two back in their comfortable silence. The first time this silence passed between them, Valoria enjoyed it and embraced it with joy. However now, with her mind racing as quick as it was, she couldn't wait for Joe to make a comment. She couldn't deal with the thoughts running through her head, nor could she stop staring at the brown-haired male she was falling helplessly for.

(note !)

ok 1. thank you all for 5k!! this is so mindblowing i can't believe it!!! and 2. if you like worst in me enough, strangerthingsclub (it won't let me link for some reason???) is holding awards for st fandom fics and if y'all could nominate this book for joe keery it would be lit as heck!! thank you all!!!!!!

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