30 : mothers and lovers

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Valoria ran her fingers through her hair, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips as she listened to the woman in front of her drone on to her mother.

In light of the recent news on brunette, Valoria's mother decided it was time that she rejoined the world of show business, which meant Valoria had to dive back into the world of business meetings and casting calls.

Although extremely excited, Valoria couldn't help but be bored of the interview currently going on. She couldn't care less about the movie plot in question, however the director was extremely well known and the movie itself was highly anticipated.

Valoria's mother gave the brunette a quick warning gaze, focusing her attention solely on the woman in front of her. She knew that her mother was never the best option to be a manager but her actual manager, Alyson, couldn't attend the meeting.

Eventually, Valoria was dismissed alongside her mother and it took everything in the girl to not run out of the room, a content sigh escaping her lips.

"Stop being a child, Valoria. This is ridiculous." Her mother scolded as they left the office building and made their way to her mother's car.

"I told you," the brunette sighed, slipping on her seatbelt once situated in the car, "I don't want that role. The movie may have a good director, but the movie is uninteresting and does nothing to grab attention."

Her mother let out in impatient sigh, dropping the conversation even though Valoria could sense a response bubbling in her.

"We'll talk once we get home." She said, focusing her gaze on the road. Valoria rolled her eyes but said nothing, flicking on the radio and keeping the silence between the two till the reached home.

Valoria placed her bag onto the sofa, waiting patiently as her mom put away her own things and came into the living room as well. The brunette turned to her mother, crossing her arms over her chest. "Go ahead, say it."

Her mother gave her a look, letting out a deep sigh. "Valoria, you're being ridiculous. I have nothing to say to you."

The brunette let out a short laugh, rolling her eyes. "No, you have so much to say but you're not saying it. That's worse."

Her mother pinched the tip of her nose, exhaling a breath through her lips. "This is childish and silly. Stop assuming that I always have input."

"Because you do!" Valoria exclaimed, tossing her hands in the air in frustration. "You have always had something to say, and you can't stand here and act like you're suddenly a sweet saint when you and I both know that you never have been one, especially towards me!"

"Valoria Wolfhard, that is enough. Stop demanding me to say anything, especially things I have no opinion on." Her mother said, her tone dripping with anger as she glared at her daughter.

"One day your opinion will come out, and it won't be pretty." Valoria turned to leave the room, however her mother's loud, angry tone stopped her.

"You want my opinion? Fine! You're being absolutely ridiculous, Valoria. You haven't been in an acting role for five years and now you're trying to be picky in the roles you get, and it's idiotic! Let's also not forget that this scandal all blew up days ago, and is still all over the Internet, all because you couldn't maintain one measly friendship! You are an adult Valoria, and you don't know how to act like one."

"Me? Not act like an adult?" Valoria scoffed, shaking her head. "I'm not the one who told the world my former best friend's darkest secret because I couldn't stand the fact that she had new friends, no, that was on Giovanna. I didn't do anything wrong! In fact, I had to clear the damn air about all those rumors in attempts to keep the shred of dignity I have left in tact! I'm trying to rebuild my image and shitty movie roles isn't going to solve anything!"

"Maybe if you weren't such an ignorant child none of this would have happened! Maybe if you actually learned how to be a fucking grown up and not become a raging alcoholic, none of this would have happened! You always find ways to blame everyone else, Valoria, but the inital problem is always the same: you can't take care of yourself and instead you became an alcoholic who is now going to struggle to find any movie roles because no one hires former alcoholics."

Valoria froze, staring at her mother in shock. She could feel her body begin to shake as she swallowed back a mix of tears and screams, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anything else?"

Her mother laughed bitterly, shaking her head slightly. "Other than the whole 'you're a mess Valoria' thing? No, I don't. You already know how ridiculously disappointed I am in you and beating around the bush isn't worth it. You will never be able to redeem yourself as a person and if it were up to me, I would have nothing to do with you. The only reason I've kept you around this house is because of Finn and that will continue to be the only reason."

Valoria stared at her mother blankly for a moment before heading to her bedroom, filling up a small bag with a mess of things. Clothes, undergarments, a small bag of makeup and necessities, and a few wires were all shoved into the bag aimlessly as tears escaped Valoria's eyes, her hands moving to wipe them furiously away.

She was grateful for the fact that Finn was spending the night with the Stranger Things kids, because Valoria couldn't stand the idea of Finn seeing her escaping the house in a teary mess. The brunette quickly left her home after grabbing her things, getting into her car.

She dialled the first number she could think of, her brain barely functioning with all the anxiety and sadness raging inside her.

"Hey babe!" Joe's voice rung through Val's ear as she pulled out of her parking lot, sniffling in attempts to collect herself.

"I'm coming over, okay?" She stated with a sniffle, and she heard rustling on the other end. "Val, what's up?"

"I'll explain when I get there," she sighed, "I just need to see you."

He spoke to her gently, reminding her to drive carefully and to pull over if she knew she couldn't continue the car ride. Valoria was extremely grateful that he was talking to her throughout the car ride, seeing as it stopped her from crying while also lifting her spirits slightly.

(note !)
from 17k to 23k i'm SHOOK AS HECK

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