13 : hugs and brothers

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(note !)
this chapter will be short & IT IS TOLD IN JOE'S PERSPECTIVE!! the next chapter will be back to val's but this chap is v important for development! thank u!

A wide grin couldn't escape Joe's lips as he joined the group hug between the cast and crew, taking in the embrace of all the people he worked hard with.

He knew that there was still so much more for this show and he knew that the show was still in editing, but he couldn't care less. He was extremely happy where he was and nothing could change that.

When the group pulled away, Joe turned to see Valoria with her phone in her hand, snapping photos of the cast and crew with a gentle smile on her lips.

He averted his gaze before she noticed, a small sigh escaping his lips. Joe didn't know what he had done to make Valoria ignore him the way that she did, but each time he thought about it his heart clenched in his chest.

Charlie approached Joe and slapped a hand on his shoulder, giving his friend a look. "I know, mate. But we can't dwell on it."

Joe gave a weak smile, "I'm just lost."

Charlie shook his head, "Well, we have to go get ready. We'll talk there."

Joe obliged, heading out with the rest of the cast to get ready for the after party. The group had decided that it would be best to get ready all together, even aiding the younger kids in getting ready themselves.

Charlie and Joe stepped into the room in which they were meant to get ready, spotting the kids already in  the room eating pizza on the floor.

"Damn, who ordered?" Joe said, sitting down beside Noah and grabbing a slice for himself.

"Duffer brothers, said it was our treat." Gaten said, after swallowing a mouthful of food.

"I don't understand why we're going to this party," Noah stated after the group finished eating, "We're kids! Its not like we're gonna drink or do anything exciting."

"You'll be partying with all of us and we got a karaoke machine. You can't tell me that doesn't sound fun." Charlie replied, chucking slightly.

"There's karaoke?" Caleb sat up in the chair he was sitting in, a bright grin on his lips. Joe laughed, nodding. "Hell yeah there's karaoke. You in?"

"I'm sold. I want to party." He said simply in reply, "Let's get ready assholes!"

As they got ready, Joe sat down beside Finn and took in a small breath.

"I don't know why Val is ignoring you." Finn said as Joe opened his mouth, the older boy staring at him with furrowed brows.

"I wasn't going to ask that."

Finn paused the video game he and Noah were playing and ignored Noah's protests as he turned to Joe. "I know you were, and I'm going to give my thoughts so you know to leave me out of this."

Joe nodded, allowing the freckled boy to speak.

"Valoria has been through some shit in her life," He began, "I don't know if she's told you and its not my place to tell you. Anyway, she's my sister and I love her a lot. I don't care about how much you like her, because I know its all bullshit and you'll leave her sad. I can't deal with that again, even though she likes you."

Joe stared at Finn, an incredulous expression on his face. "She's ignoring me because you told her to?"

Finn sighed, nodding. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Joe let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "I never wanted to hurt Val. It never crossed my mind. I like her, a fuck ton. I won't do anything if it means that you'll hate me, though, but just know that if I did do anything, I wouldn't hurt her."

Finn examined the older boy, then looked down. "Last time someone said that, Val trusted them and lost so much."

Joe wrapped his arm around Finn, tugging the boy to his chest. "I never want to hurt Val. I'd rather hurt myself than hurt her."

Joe let out a sigh, "I don't want to do anything to offend you, but I really want to be able to at least try it with Val."

Finn pushed his face from Joe's chest, looking up at him instead. "If you hurt her, I will not hesitate to end you."

Joe chuckled, "I don't think that's an option."

Finn sat up, meeting Joe's gaze. "Try to understand her and her past, especially before you get in too deep. She needs you to know and she won't tell you if you don't ask."

Joe nodded, pulling Finn into a hug. The younger boy returned the hug eagerly. "I won't let Val go, I promise. I'm not like anyone else."

"I sure as hell hope so."

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