40 : fights and love

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Text Message
Today, 4:32 PM

i miss you

you saw me two days ago

that was for 3 hours out of two
weeks of not seeing you

i've been busy ,, ya know like
the shooting has me day and
night and when i'm not
shooting i'm auditioning or

finn told me about what's

why aren't you opening up?

i told you a long time ago that
i'm a mess and i told you that no
one has to get involved in my
problems, i'll just bring out the
worst in them

and i told you that i'm not
going anywhere, so why are you
so hesitant? i care for fucks sakes

joe stop please

stop digging because it won't get
you anywhere and i'm fine, ok? just
cause i cry a few times due to stress
doesn't mean i'm dying or falling
apart. i'll be fine and i'll come
visit you later tonight

seriously can you not bury everything
for once in your life lmao

if you haven't realized i'm your boyfriend
and uuuuh i'd like to actually help, you're
not alone and you don't have to be????

just let me in for once

can you stop getting so upset
when i chose to keep things to

for fucks sakes val why are you
so difficult this is INSANE

you know what, don't come
tonight. i don't want to deal with
having to act like everything's fine
when the girl i love is hurting and
i can't do anything to ease it because
she won't let me in

did you just say you love me for
the first time through text??

don't ignore me now joe it's all
so complicated and i just don't
know how to explain it

Today, 5:02 PM

i love you too, if it helps

Read, 5:03 PM

(note !)
uhm angst lol sorry also i'm gonna lose wifi for a few days so uhhh idk what to say hopefully i can manage to find some wifi and update idk 4 chaps left!!

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