Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to The special people who took the time to read this :)

Finding A Sanctuary

(Name) wandered through the Truffula Forest, enjoying the scenery as she eyed the fluffy trees. 'They're so pretty...' she thought, touching the stripy trunks gently. She continued walking, pausing to greet a few animals along the way, lost in thought as she ventured deeper into the forest.

As she came to a clearing, she spotted a small structure that could best be described as something between a cottage and a tent, with the words 'The Once-ler's' above the door, a small lantern swinging in front of the letters. She peered in the window but didn't see anyone inside. She shrugged and turned to leave, taking a few steps towards the trees before realising that the sun was sinking behind them. She'd been walking for far longer than she intended, apparently. "Damn it all to hell!" She cursed, slapping her forehead.

"Something wrong?" A voice behind her asked.

(Name) spun around to see a tall, slim guy behind her. She looked him up and down, seeing his light and dark grey striped pants, green gardening gloves, white shirt, grey vest and vaguely noting his slightly-too-big fedora before settling on his face. "I... uh... wow, your eyes are REALLY blue." She gaped before shaking her head. "I mean, I'm kind of lost, well, not really LOST lost, but I live all the way in town and I don't think I'll make it back before dark, and I'd really rather not be stuck in the forest in the dark, and..." She trailed off.

The guy pointed towards the 'cottent', as she had decided to dub it. "You could stay with me tonight. I mean, if you want to." He offered.

She paused, glanced at the darkening sky and nodded slowly. "Thanks."

"So, what's your name?" He asked as he walked up to the door.

"I'm (Name)." She introduced herself. "And I'm gonna guess you're the Once-Ler."

He grinned. "Yep! People normally just call me Once-Ler, Once, Oncie..." His face darkened for half a moment. "... Beanpole..." He muttered.

(Name) paused. "You ok?" She asked.

Once-Ler nodded. "Yeah. Yeah! I'm fine." He opened the door and led her in. "Welcome to my humble abode!" He joked.

She laughed and looked around. "Cute. It's very homey." She complimented, sitting down in the armchair.

Once-Ler gave another grin and held out a bag. "Marshmallow?"

(Name) blinked at the abrupt appearance of the sweets. "Thanks." She said, taking a few.

He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud crack of thunder made them both jump. They looked out of the window just as the rain started to fall.

"I'll never make it home in this storm!" (Name) wailed.

Once-Ler tsked and led her away from the window. "Well, hopefully it'll dry up by morning." He said optimistically.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now