Isle of the Lost

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Melody sat in a class in Auradon Prep, listening to Fairy Godmother as she taught the class full of other princes and princesses. Her dark hair was tied back behind her with a black ribbon. Her outfit was immaculate, like every other prince and princess in Auradon.

She touched the locket around her neck, lost in thoughts of doing something other than sitting in class and listening to Fairy Godmother drone on and on about this or that

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She touched the locket around her neck, lost in thoughts of doing something other than sitting in class and listening to Fairy Godmother drone on and on about this or that.

Her attention turned to the window, staring out at the Isle of the Lost.

She wondered what it'd be like to be on that island instead of being a princess here in Auradon.

"Melody," came Fairy Godmother's voice, "Melody, classed ended 5 minutes ago. Is everything alright? You've been tuning out in class lately."

"Everything's fine, Fairy Godmother," Melody quickly replied as she stood to her feet and collected her books.

Fairy Godmother gave the girl a worried look as she ran out of the room.


It was late, night had fallen hours ago, when Melody found herself standing at the water's edge, looking out towards the Isle of the Lost.

Like her mother, Melody had a rebellious streak to her. She wanted to see what else was out there. She wanted to see what it was like to live as someone on the Isle of the Lost.

Finding her resolve, Melody dove head first into the water and resurfaced differently. She now had a tail instead of a pair of feet. She looked down at her red tail, smiling as she already felt freer. Touching the locket she wore around her neck, Melody hoped that it'd help her be able to pass through the barrier that kept everyone on the island.

Turning to face the island, Melody began her swim towards the land on the other side.

She couldn't believe her luck when she actually passed through the barrier and found herself crawling up on shore.

As soon as she reached the shore, her fins turned back into legs and she stood to her feet, making her way further into the island.

As she walked, she could tell she was starting to stick out really bad. People were staring at Melody as she passed by them. Coming up to this one place, Lady Tremaine's Curl Up & Dye, she looked at the sign in confusion as she heard music coming from just inside even though the sign said that they wouldn't be open until midnight.

Opening the door cautiously, Melody walked inside and looked around at all of the paint that was splattered on the walls and nearly every surface. And on the other side of the room, she spotted this small red-headed girl who was dancing around to some song she was listening to.

"Oh, hi," the girl said as she finally spotted Melody, "we're not open yet."

"I know," Melody said, "but I could use an emergency treatment. I'm not from around here and I seem to stick out like a sore thumb. Think you could help?"

"Hmm," the girl said as she walked around Melody, circling her, "that depends. How far can I go?"

"The works," Melody said, even though it came out as a question, "and if possible, can you help me out with a new set of clothes?"

"Ooh goodie," she said smiling as she grabbed ahold of Melody's arm and dragged her over to the styling chair. Once Melody was sat in the chair, the girl started walking around her, planning what she should do. "My name's Dizzy by the way."

"I'm Melody."

"You said you weren't from here," Dizzy said as she set to work on washing Melody's hair, "where are you from?"

"Can you keep a secret," Melody asked. She looked over her shoulder to watch as Dizzy nodded. "I'm from Auradon."

"You're one of those princesses," Dizzy gasped as she moved to look Melody head on. Melody nodded nervously while Dizzy seemed to almost scream with joy. "Who are your parents?"

"Ariel and Prince Eric," Melody said as she laughed while the girl's eyes seemed to light up.

"When you get into the water," Dizzy said, "do you get a tail like your mom or do you keep your legs like your dad?"

"I get a tail like Mom," Melody said with a laugh. She watched as Dizzy set back to working on her hair before a thought came to her. "Hey, do you think we could keep my hair its natural color, but maybe add a red color to the tips? And because you know who I am, can you help me pick out clothes that would make me fit in better here but be able to still be the person I am?"

"Sure," Dizzy said as she set to work on Melody's new look.


After nearly an hour and a half of coloring Melody's hair, and then going through several different outfits to see which one fit, Dizzy had finally found the perfect look for the made over Melody.

A white, long sleeved, shirt with a black corset, pink leggings that had a scale print to them, ankle boots, and an old fishnet wrapped around her waist. That was the new look for Melody. Her hair was trimmed up to her shoulders, the tips dyed a red hue. Dizzy allowed Melody to keep the locket she wore. She had it tucked away inside of her shirt.

When she looked at herself in the mirror, Melody hardly recognized herself

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When she looked at herself in the mirror, Melody hardly recognized herself.

"Thanks, Dizzy," she said smiling as she turned back to face the girl. She pulled out some cash, handing it over to the girl who looked up at her shocked. "You earned it."

Grinning, Dizzy made to skip over to the cash register but stopped when a tall guy dressed like a pirate walked in.

"Fork it over ya runt," he said, the accent instantly catching Melody's attention. Melody watched as Dizzy handed over the money she'd just earned before he pointed towards the register. "The rest too." He watched as Dizzy walked behind the counter and pulled out the little bit of money that was inside before handing it over to him. "Thank you."

Melody watched as he turned like he was going to leave before his attention went to her.

She held her breath as he turned back to face her, taking a step closer to her as his pale blue eyes roamed over her.

"Well hello there," he said, this smirk playing on his lips, "who might you be?"

Think quick, Melody.

"Mel," she said, holding her head high as she gave him a name that wasn't exactly her name.

"Mel is it," the pirate asked as he looked her up and down again, "Harry Hook, at your service." His smirk grew as he waited for her to reply. "Cat got your tongue, Lass?" No reply. "You know what you remind me of?" Again, no reply. "A princess." Melody froze. "I think that's what I'll call ya from now on."

Dizzy looked over at the girl before her attention turned back to Harry as he stood at the door.

"Until we meet again, Princess," Harry said, giving an over exaggerated bow before he turned and left.

"Well," Dizzy said, once the girls were alone, and Melody seemed to be able to breathe easily again, "that certainly was unexpected."

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