Bonus Chapter 2

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Melody waited until her stomach decided to stop rolling all over the place before she stood to her feet. Walking over to the vanity, she washed out her mouth and splashed some water on her face before moving out into their quarters. Looking around, Melody let out a small sigh as she grabbed the things she’d need for the trip back into Auradon.

Once she had everything she needed, Melody exited out of their quarters to find that the rest of the crew were waiting for her.

Her attention instantly went to Harry who was talking to Gil about something, oblivious to her arrival out of their room. When Gil had stopped listening to what he had to say and was smiling like an idiot in Melody’s direction was when Harry finally looked over towards her.

From the distance, she couldn’t make out exactly what was going on, on Harry’s face but she could still see that he did care for her. She figured he just needed time to take in what she’d said about being possibly pregnant. Starting a family is sometimes unplanned, she could understand that. If she were being honest with herself, Melody wished she was already married to Harry. But she never brought it up to the pirate, just figured it wasn’t his thing.

“Alright, let’s go,” Harry called out with a wave of his arm before leading the crew down onto the docks and sending them off in their appointed directions.

Melody walked up to Harry as he stood by the ramp, watching as the crew dispersed around them. “Harry,” she said in a whisper. She watched as he looked over and down towards her, but didn’t say a word. “I’m going to visit Ben and Mal, I haven’t seen them since little Adam was born.”

“Okay,” Harry said with a nod before moving to go do his own thing.

With a sigh, Melody didn’t call after him, deciding to give him his space to take in the information that she’d passed on to him.

Squaring her shoulders, she decided to head on to see her friends, Ben and Mal.


Melody made it to Ben and Mal’s place safely, looking around at the grounds of their home. She remembered, growing up, Melody had wanted something like this when she found the love of her life. But, now she wouldn’t change what she has for anything. She’s happy with Harry, living on the sea. But, now things have gotten rocky between them after she said what she was thinking, about being pregnant.

With a resolved sigh, Melody rang the bell that was by the door to signal that they had a guest waiting outside.

She waited for the door to open and smiled when a familiar face appeared after the door finally opened.

“Hello, Lumiere,” she said with a smile as the older man returned her smile as he bowed slightly.

“Hello, Princess Melody,” he said in return before stepping aside and allowing her to enter.

Melody walked into the foyer and waited as Lumiere walked off to inform her friends that she was there to visit. As she waited, she looked around, taking in the portraits that were hung around her. Pictures of Ben and Mal. Of Prince Adam. The three of them. Even of Ben’s parents.

“Aunt Mewody,” a little voice said from behind her. As she turned around, the little form of the four-year-old prince, Adam, came bounding towards her from the opposite direction. She knelt down just in time to catch the little prince as he leaped into her arms and held on tightly.

“Why, hello there, Prince Adam,” Melody said with a smile as she allowed the boy to pull away from her. He gave her a big toothy grin before the pair heard more footsteps coming down the hall from the same direction the young child had. Looking up, Melody spotted her friends, Mal and Ben, as they made their way closer to them.

“I was surprised when Lumiere told us that you were here, Melody,” Mal said as she waddled over to Melody as she stood up to hug her very pregnant friend.

“Well, we docked in Auradon to resupply so I figured I’d come say hi,” Melody said as she turned to Ben and hugged him as well, “and I have news to share with you.”

“Then let us go to a more comfortable place to talk,” Ben said with a smile before bending down to pick up his son. He motioned with his free arm for Mal and Melody to lead the way.

The friends all sat in the lounge, watching as little Adam played with some of his toys that were in the room while they talked about small, random things. Melody still hadn’t told them why she was there. She didn’t know how she was supposed to bring up the topic that she might be pregnant with Harry’s baby.

“Melody,” Mal said from beside her, noticing her sullen face as she seemed to zone out from the conversation. Melody looked up at Mal but didn’t say a word. “What’s wrong? You’ve gone all quiet over here.”

Melody looked down at her hands and took a deep breath before looking back up to her friends.

“I shared some news with Harry today,” she said as she looked from Mal to Ben and then back to Mal, “it was just before the ship docked.” Melody stopped. She was still hurting from the cold shoulder Harry had given her earlier when she told him. It made her wonder if he wanted any children at all. Made her wonder if this was the end of their relationship.

“Melody,” Ben said as he stood to his feet and walked to sit on her other side. She looked up at him and looked over to Mal. They could both see the tears in her eyes that weren’t falling as she mentally relived the events from earlier that day.

“I told him that I might be pregnant,” she finally whispered out. She heard Mal gasp as she finally broke down, tears falling from her eyes as Ben wrapped her in a hug while pulling her close to him. “I don’t know what I’ll do if he decides to leave me over this.”

“Don’t worry about that right now,” Mal said as she rubbed Melody’s back, “let’s worry about finding out if you’re pregnant or not. Then we’ll go from there.”

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