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🌊 7 🌊

Melody sat on the mattress in her place, legs crossed as she watched the pacing pirate in front of her.

"You're making me dizzy," she commented after the pirate made another turn.

Harry looked over at her before sighing and taking a seat on the couch a few feet away from her. He didn't know what he was going to say. He didn't know how she'd react. Hell, he wasn't accustomed to having to deal with something like this. His hook was sitting on the couch beside him as he buried his head in his hands, fingers gripping tightly into his hair.

"I'll admit that when I generally sleep around," Harry finally started, refusing to look over towards the girl in the room, "I leave before they wake. Hell, I'm out of their place before they're even fully asleep. But with you, it was something different." He spared a glance over at Melody before looking away to continue while he had the confidence to do it. "I don't know what this is, but after being around you for just over a month, helping you to learn to fight with a sword, seeing what you could do naturally, I grew attached. Like maybe there could be something."

"You make it seem like you're trying to say that you believe you've found a sort of happily ever after," Melody said, trying to keep it a secret that she wasn't a villain's kid. She watched as Harry looked over at her from the corner of his eye. "Villains don't get happily ever after, look where you're at, Harry. They dumped everyone here so that their happy endings couldn't be ruined."

"I'll make you a deal," Harry finally said after a few moments of silence. He looked up and over at where Melody was still sat, noticing her sword was lying beside her bed. She nodded for him to continue. "I'll fight you, right here, right now. If you win, we'll forget this happened and go back to before. If I win, you become my girl."

Melody regarded him for a moment, taking into consideration what he was saying. She didn't really want everything to go back to how it was before. Before they slept together. She also didn't really mind the idea of being his girl as he said. But she couldn't make it seem like she wasn't trying if she did agree to the fight. She'd gotten good enough, beat him a fair amount of times. Question was, would this be another time that she won against him since their training sessions?

"Alright, Hook," Melody said after a few minutes of debating. She'd fight him, whatever the outcome, she'd have to deal with it. "You've got yourself a deal."

She watched as he watched her for a moment before she stood to her feet, sword in hand. Pulling it out of its sheath and holding it at the ready, Melody used her free hand to signal for Harry to stand up and follow suit if he wanted to go through with the deal.

Standing quickly and pulling out his own sword, hook now back in hand, Harry moved from the couch as Melody followed him.

Harry's smirk returned to him as he watched Melody spin around, her hair flaring around her like a fan as she spun before their swords made contact with one another.

"First one disarmed, loses," he said, smirk still in place as he eyed the girl in front of him. Melody smirked before attempting to do the same move she'd done once before to disarm the pirate. Harry could see the look on her face, moving his sword out of the way before she could kick it again. "You won't fool me a second time with that move."

Melody glared at the pirate while he just continued to smirk like this was no big deal to him. Even if it was him who'd suggested the duel, to begin with.

The fight went on, Harry trying to distract Melody so he could quickly disarm her, while she simply tried to use a bit of flair she'd picked up from him to get rid of his sword. And it seemed, for the longest time, that the pair was evenly matched. Until Harry managed to turn the tables. He'd managed to spin around, finding himself behind her with the flat end of his sword pressed against her neck, where it wouldn't cut into her flesh and his hook on her own sword.

His mouth found its way to the back of her neck, teeth scraping lightly against the skin before he lifted his head slightly so that his mouth was beside her ear. "You've put up quite the fight, Princess," he whispered out, his breath fanning across her ear and cheek, "but face it, I've got you hooked."

Melody couldn't suppress the shiver that ran its course up and down her spine at his words. Her grip slacking on her sword moments before it was tugged from her hand.

Regaining her bearings, Melody spun around to glare at the smirking pirate who was dangling her sword from his hook. "You cheated," she accused, watching as his smirk widened.

"I'm a villain, sweetheart," he said, "it's what I do."

Melody just rolled her eyes, refusing to fight him on the fact that he had cheated to win. She wouldn't push him on finding out why he wanted to win so badly. Thought it best to just leave it be for now. Taking her sword back from him, Melody placed it back in its sheath before setting it down against the side of the couch before moving on to the small TV that was sitting atop a table off to the side.

When it flickered to life, the coronation that had been talked about for months was just starting as the precession that Ben would ride down was just making its way into the view of the camera.

She took a seat on the couch, placing her feet up underneath her slightly as she watched the camera flicker from Snow White and back to Ben's carriage. But what surprised her was the fact that she didn't see Audrey beside him. Instead, there was a purple headed girl beside him.

"Who's that," Melody asked as Harry sat down next to her.

"That would be the traitor of the Isle," he said. He felt Melody shift beside him before he looked over, seeing the strange look she was giving him. "Mal. Maleficent's daughter. She and her friends were taken over to Bore-adon as some little help the villain kids program." He looked back over to the TV, taking in the sight of Mal and the prince talking. "Looks like she's wormed her way up to the top spot."

"I get the feeling you don't like her," Melody said with a smirk as she leaned into Harry. His arm instantly lifting up and wrapping itself around her shoulders as he looked down at her.

"She and my captain have been at odds for some time now," Harry said with a shrug. He looked back to the TV, watching as it showed the inside of the palace as the ceremony continued. "It was always fun to torment this one kid from her crew. Terrified of dogs, considering who his mother was, it was hilarious." He looked back down at Melody as she looked up at him with a single brow lifted. "Cruella De Vil."

Melody couldn't help the snigger that left her lips as she imagined the son of the woman who tried to turn puppies into a coat, scared of dogs.

Harry smiled down at Melody before he returned his attention to the TV screen, watching as the traitors all seemed to agree with staying there in Auradon instead of returning to the Isle where they belonged, to begin with. He didn't care, more territory for his captain to claim while they were gone. Before long, Uma and her pirate crew would rule the Isle and take anything they wanted from any part of the island, without having to worry about Mal and her little crew.

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