It's Going Down

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Melody waited to see if the girls were joking. Ben. Taken. Yeah, joking.

Evie explained everything to her. Explained how Harry Hook had nicked Ben off the street with some pirates before confronting them and giving Mal a message from Uma.

Melody just looked down to the ground, her heart shattering at the thought that it was Harry who had taken Ben. It was like some sick, twisted, weird joke that her current boyfriend had taken her ex. All Melody could do was place her head in her hands and just shake it as she tried to comprehend that this really happened.

"Melody, what's wrong," Evie asked as she watched her. She moved to sit next to the girl as Melody slowly lifted her head up to look at the blue haired girl who now sat beside her.

"I don't know how much help I'll be," she said honestly, trying not to reveal why she didn't think she could help them out to begin with. How do you tell these girls, friend, and girlfriend to the king who'd just been kidnapped, that you're dating the villain who took him? You don't!

"Ben would want you there to help," Evie said before she looked back to Mal, "right, Mal?"

"Yeah," Mal said as she tried to give the pair a convincing smile. In all honesty, her mind was still on Ben being held by Uma and her pirate crew. "Ben would talk about you. After he found out that you had gone missing. He was still with Audrey when he spent most of his time trying to help find you. If you go, don't go for us. Go for Ben."

Melody looked from Mal to Evie, then right back to Mal. Her mind was made up.

"What do you need me to do?"


A few hours later, Mal, Melody, and Evie were waiting out near the tunnel that led to the docks where they were supposed to meet up with Uma and the rest of the crew.

Melody was fidgeting while they waited, worrying about what was to happen when Harry spotted her with Mal and her crew. She knew, no matter what, things between her and Harry would never be the same again. And she'd told Ben that she couldn't leave the Isle. Not unless something happened that would practically force her to.

Well, him being kidnapped and her having to help get him back was the something that was going to force her back to Auradon.

Melody never went anywhere without her sword, so she had it on her waist, toying with the handle as they waited for Jay and Carlos to return with a fake wand. According to Mal, the deal was that Uma would give Ben back for Fairy Godmother's wand.

At the sound of an approaching vehicle, Melody looked up to see the familiar Auradon limo pulling up to a stop in front of the three girls. But, instead of it just being Jay and Carlos that climbed out of the car, there was a third member as well.

"Lonnie," Melody nearly cried at seeing the familiar face.

"Melody," Lonnie said as she ran to her friend, hugging her tightly. The two had been nearly inseparable when they were in school together. Having been assigned as each other's roommates at the beginning of their very first term helped. "Everyone's been so worried about you, Melody. Where have you been?"

"I've been here," Melody said with a sheepish smile before her attention turned to Jay and Carlos as they joined the girls by the tunnel.

"Everyone ready," Carlos asked as he looked at them.

"Yeah," Mal said before holding out her hand, "let me see the wand." Carlos pulled out the fake wand and handed it over, watching as Mal inspected it. "Wow. Looks good. Let's go." She handed the wand back to Carlos, watching as he stuffed it back into his jacket before leading the group through the tunnel to where the docks were.

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