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🌊 11 🌊

It was nearing an hour before the Cotillion when Melody left Lonnie in their room. Lonnie was dressed and ready to go, but Melody was still dress-less.

She made her way towards Fairy Godmother’s office like she’d been told, knocking on the door when she reached it.

“Come in,” Fairy Godmother’s voice called from behind the closed door before Melody gently pushed it open. Fairy Godmother smiled as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. “Hello, Melody. Are you ready to get dressed for Cotillion?”

“Yes,” Melody said with a smile.

Most of the school had yet to learn that she was back since her disappearance. Cotillion was going to reveal her return, but no one would know where she’d been the whole time.

“I’m getting the Cinderella feeling with this,” Melody said with a small laugh as Fairy Godmother walked around her.

“This is a little like that,” she said as she smiled at the teenager. She turned back to her desk, grabbing the wand that was sitting on it that Melody hadn’t even noticed until she picked it up. “I went to the museum earlier, after you and Lonnie asked for my help. I felt it was worth taking it out of retirement for this occasion.” Fairy Godmother turned back to Melody before lifting her wand. “Now, close your eyes.” She waited until the girl closed her eyes before waving her wand. “Bibbidi-bobbidi boo!”

Melody felt a tingling sensation as the magic surrounded her. It was the same sensation she tended to feel when her legs turned into fins in the water.

When she opened her eyes, after the tingling stopped, Fairy Godmother pointed her towards the full-length mirror that was placed behind her by the door. Melody let out a gasp at the sight before her.

The clothes she’d been wearing when she arrived in the office were gone. In their place, a mermaid style red lace dress that was white at the bottom and hugged her figure. Lifting up the bottom of the skirt, she could see a pair of red heels peeking out from underneath. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, the red tips still visible with how it was put up. The only thing that was still on her from before was the locket that she constantly wore. Her eyes drifted up to the top of her head, there rested a small tiara that sparkled in the light.

 Her eyes drifted up to the top of her head, there rested a small tiara that sparkled in the light

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“A crown,” Melody asked as she turned back to face Fairy Godmother.

“It seemed fitting,” she said with a kind smile, “you are the next in line to the throne should something happen to Ben.” Fairy Godmother took in the sight of her handiwork and smiled. “You look beautiful, Melody.”

“Thank you, Fairy Godmother,” she said before turning to look back at herself in the mirror.


Melody was told by Fairy Godmother to wait until after everyone else had already arrived at Cotillion before she came out. A sort of reveal in a sense.

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