Training's Over

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In the month that Melody spent training with Harry, she learned what it truly meant to be Harry Hook. Even learned what a showoff the pirate was when they’d spar together.

She’s gotten used to him calling her princess. Even learned to just ignore it. Enough so that he can no longer use it during practices to get a rise out of her. But, he’s found a new tactic to get that rise from her. Melody tries to deny the jealousy she feels whenever he mentions leaving practice to go do errands for Uma, his captain. But he notices. And he uses it to his advantage.

Though he has been coming around more often since her training first started, he still remembers his duties to his captain.

He likes the company of the strange girl who’d tense up when he first started calling her by Princess.

He was impressed with how far she’d come since they first started. Hell, she was giving him a run for his money on how good she was.

Today was the last day that Harry would really need to spend so much time with training Melody. She’d improved so much that he knew if she ran into any trouble, like that day when he offered to train her, she’d be able to take care of herself.

The pair were circling each other, swords in hand, as they waited for the other to attack. Melody no longer held her sword with both hands. She now held it in her right hand, her stance sturdy as she waited. She had gotten even more agile since she first began, and she used her newfound nimbleness to her advantage.

She liked being a showoff as much as Harry.

When the fight was almost over, she pulled a move that Harry hadn’t been expecting from her.

When they were locked together with their swords, Melody smirked at Harry before backing away slightly. In that next second, she managed to do a back handspring, with her sword still in her right hand, kicking Harry’s sword out of his hand while he was stunned. When she landed back on her feet, a few feet away from him, she caught his sword in her left hand before getting right back into her fighting stance with both his sword and her own in her hands.

Harry straightens up, his pale blue eyes staring directly at Melody as she had a smirk on her face.

“How long have you been hiding that up your sleeve,” he asked, watching as she slowly relaxed her stance before handing over his sword.

“I told you back when you stepped in, I didn’t need to be saved,” she said, watching as he placed his sword into its sheath.

“I see that,” he said with his smirk returning to his face. He watched as Melody returned her sword to its sheath on her hip, his smirk faltering.

“What’s up, Harry,” she asked, noticing the change in mood with him.

“Your training’s done now,” he said, “there’s not really a reason for me to come back around here.”

“Oh,” Melody said as she looked anywhere but at the pirate. She’d never admit it, but she had gotten used to hanging around with him so much. She looked forward to meeting up with him each time when they’d begin their training session for the day.

Harry couldn’t stand how awkward the situation had just become between them. With one last look towards Melody, he turned and began walking away from her.

Wait,” she called after him. She watched as he stopped before he turned to see what she wanted. “You told me that I had to tell you where I was actually from. That was the deal with you training me to fight with a sword.” She watched him as he looked down towards the ground, seemingly in thought, before looking back up at her with a smirk.

“I also told ya that you could tell me when you were ready,” he said before turning and leaving before she could stop him again.


Days had passed since Harry walked away from where Melody had stood.

Whenever he was at the chip shop with Uma and the rest of the pirate crew, it was like he wasn’t there, there. His mind was on the strange girl who had a natural gift for fighting with a sword. It was the 3rd day of being away from Melody when he decided to go out and search for her after he did whatever errands he had to do for Uma.

With that in mind, he set to work doing what he always did for Uma. Stealing and putting the fear of Uma’s crew into the hearts of the people on the Isle.

But then, when he went to go find her, Harry realized something. He didn’t know where Melody was staying.

Going with what little he did know, Harry set out to the area where he always seemed to run into the girl when they’d happen to meet up to for her training.


Melody found herself out roaming the area she stayed, trying to occupy her time now that she wasn’t spending it training with Harry Hook.

The sword he’d given her was on her hip, but she didn’t seem to need it.

Because they’d been training out in the open, on the streets of the Isle, everyone who knew who Harry was, knew that he’d been training her in how to fight. And they’d seen how good she’d gotten.

No, no one messed with Melody anymore. And it made it easier for her to steal what she needed.

Wow, she thought, I’m really turning into a villain kid.

Even though they’d passed on good terms, and were still friends, Melody missed her ex; Ben. Guess you could say, the whole reason for her sudden act of rebellion was because she didn’t like seeing him with Audrey. Not that she was jealous, she was happy to see Ben dating again. But she thought he could do so much better than dating her. Her head was up there in the clouds because she thought everyone should worship the ground she walked on.

Melody was thrown out of her thoughts when she bumped into something or someone. Lifting her head up, she was stunned to see the striking pair of blue eyes that were lined with thick, black, eyeliner.

“Har-,” she was cut off from getting ready to ask what the pirate boy was doing there. His hook dangling from his belt as both of his hands reached up, cupping her cheeks. Her eyes widening when he brought his lips down roughly onto hers.

Mere seconds passed before her eyes fluttered closed as her hands lifted up slightly to grip onto the sides of his red leather coat that he was always wearing.

All thoughts of her life in Auradon, of her past, gone. All that was in her head, was right then and right there.

With Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook, kissing her.

Next chapter will be marked private. If you wish to read it, you will need to be following me.

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