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🌊 12 🌊

Melody stumbled backward into someone as her vision disappeared. She felt arms wrap around her before she tried to fight off whoever grabbed her.

“Easy, Melody,” a familiar voice said, “it’s just me, Fairy Godmother. Let’s get you moved out of the way until we can properly see what we can do about what that girl did to you.” She relaxed into Fairy Godmother’s arms as she allowed the older woman to lead her carefully up a couple of steps and towards the back where she’d be out of harm’s way.

Melody could hear something going on. Could hear Mal shouting and then the sound of a dragon. Shortly after she heard Ben let out his own roar like his father would do in beast form before the sound of a splash could be heard. Next, she heard Ben trying to talk to the two who’d obviously been fighting.

When everything settled down, Melody could hear running feet as several people made their way towards where Fairy Godmother had sat her down at.

“Melody,” it was Ben’s voice she heard first before she felt hands gripping ahold of hers, “Melody? Are you okay?”

“I can’t see,” she whispered as a single tear slipped from her unseeing eyes, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do if I can’t see.”

“We’ll figure something out,” Evie said as she and the rest of the group looked at each other before looking back to the girl, “maybe it’ll wear off eventually?”

“It’s a spell from my spellbook,” Mal said as she looked at her best friend, “it won’t just wear off.” Mal looked back to Melody at the sound of a strangled sob. “Oh, Melody, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No, it’s not,” Melody said as she pulled one of her hands from Ben and held it out. She waited until someone, Mal, grabbed it before she continued. “It’s not your fault. I was the one who jumped in between her and Fairy Godmother’s wand. I was the one who dated her first mate on the Isle. And I was the one who left him without a word and never said who I really was. This is all on me. Not you.”

“We’ll figure out what to do,” Ben said as he squeezed Melody’s hand, “for now, let’s get you back to your dorm room.”

“I’ll take her,” Lonnie said as she stepped up and waited for Ben to help Melody to her feet. With her arms wrapped protectively around her friend, Lonnie began to carefully guide her now blind friend up the stairs of the yacht to where they could exit off and onto the docks before making their way back to Auradon Prep.


Melody stayed in her room after the incident on the yacht. After being blinded by a stupid spell, she refused to go to class anymore, and Fairy Godmother didn’t force her to attend. But her friends were worried about her more and more every day.

Fairy Godmother had tried to reverse the spell cast on Melody. But, because of Uma’s obvious dislike for the girl, it was cast much stronger than it originally would have been. After that, Melody lost all hope of getting her eyesight back.

“Melody,” Lonnie’s voice reached Melody’s ears as she opened their room door, “King Ben would like to see you in his office.”

“I’m not in the mood to be lectured by the king, Lonnie,” Melody said as she waved her hand dismissively.

“Melody, you’ve been locked in our room for weeks,” Lonnie said as she walked over to where her friend sat, “you need to come out. And Ben really is requesting an audience with you.” Lonnie watched as Melody seemed to ignore what she was saying. “We all hoped we wouldn’t have to do this, but, Melody, the king has ordered for your appearance in his office.”

Melody’s head turned in the direction she heard Lonnie’s voice, a look of shock on her face.

Fine,” Melody said before standing to her feet and holding out one arm for Lonnie to grab. A smile spread across Lonnie’s face as she quickly moved to grab Melody’s arm and carefully lead her out of the room.

In the absence of their friend, everyone had set to work on putting a surprise together for Melody, if Lonnie was able to get her to leave their room finally.

Ben was stood in front of his desk, staring at the people in front of him as they all awaited Lonnie and Melody’s arrival.

Mal and Evie were looking nervously at each other, fearing what Melody’s reaction would be when she found out just what it was her friends had done without her knowledge. The sound of a knocking on the door caused all but one to hold their breath as the door opened a short time after.

All eyes turned to Melody and Lonnie as they walked in. Even a pair of blue ones that she couldn’t even see anymore.

Lonnie led Melody to stand right in front of Ben’s desk before she released her arm and stepped away from her. Melody stood there, waiting for Ben to speak first. When he didn’t, she finally broke the silence and spoke first.

“You wanted to see me,” she asked as her sightless eyes stared straight ahead at nothing.

“Yes,” he said as he cleared his throat, “we’ve acquired a few new students from the Isle, per Evie’s request.”

“What does that have to do with me,” Melody asked as she wondered just what it was that her friends were up to.

“All have been assigned a guide but one,” Ben said. He looked to everyone else as they nodded before he spoke again. “We’ve all agreed it’d do you some good. So I’ve taken the liberty to assign the last one to you.”

“Who,” Melody asked.

Me,” another voice said in the darkness around her, causing her head to turn in the direction of the familiar voice. The voice that she thought she’d never hear again.

“Harry Hook,” she whispered.

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