Saved Again

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🌊 6 🌊

Harry was gone the following morning. Well before Melody woke up.

He wasn’t used to the idea of spending the entire night with someone he’d slept with. Generally, he’d wait for the girl to go to sleep, then he’d sneak out of their place, never to see them again. But with Melody, it felt different, leaving her like that. He stayed that night with her, fell asleep beside her even. But before the sun rose the next morning, he was gone, back with his crew at the chip shop.

When Melody woke up, she tried not to let it bother her when she looked around and found no traces of the pirate she’d given herself to.

She kind of expected it, if she was being honest with herself.

Climbing off the mattress, Melody gathered her things and went to the small bathroom to get a shower.

Cleaned and dressed, Melody walked out of her home away from home, making her way to some sort of restaurant down near the docks. She’d been staying away from the place because of the name of it: Ursula’s Fish and Chips. She knew that was her mother and father’s biggest enemy and the last thing she needed was for them to find out just who she was.

Harry was seated inside the chip shop, Gil and the rest of Uma’s crew there with him in their usual place as they ate on the stuff in front of them that barely could be categorized as food. He was watching everyone as they talked about random things. Gil would say something stupid every once in a while, commenting on something that one of the others said, earning him a piece of fish or something thrown in his direction. Harry looked up, however, when he heard the doors to the chip shop open. What he saw, caused him to go stone still as he watched the girl he’d left earlier that morning make her way to the place and take a seat.

Melody had yet to notice the pirate watching her as a girl with blue hair made her way over to her, asking what she wanted to eat. A quick glance at the menu on the back of the wall and Melody said something that seemed like it didn’t have fish in it. How was she supposed to eat a creature that was her mother’s friends?

Harry continued to watch the girl as she looked around at the place, this sort of confident air going around her as she took in the sights.

“Whatcha staring at,” Gil asked, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. Harry tried to look away from Melody before Gil could see what he was staring at, but he wasn’t quick enough. “She’s pretty. Do you know her?”

“Her name’s Mel,” Harry said as he turned so that his back was to the girl. He didn’t want to give Gil the impression that there was something there when there wasn’t. Was there? Harry honestly didn’t know. And that scared him.

Uma brought out Melody’s order before she returned to where everyone was, talking with some of the other pirates while Gil continued to watch the girl that had caught Harry’s attention.

Seconds later, he jumped over the table he was at and made his way over to the girl, ignoring Harry as he tried to stop him. All Harry could do was watch and wait to see what would happen.

“Hi,” Melody heard over her shoulder. Jumping slightly, as she didn’t expect someone to come up and speak to her, she looked to see a blonde pirate smiling down at her. Just from the look of the goofy smile on his face, she didn’t figure he was all there. Melody furrowed her brows up at the boy, trying to figure him out. “My name’s Gil. My friend over there keeps staring at you. Do you know him?”

Melody watched as the boy named Gil pointed towards a table at the back. And there sat Harry Hook, looking petrified that Gil had pointed him out to her.

Her eyes widened at seeing him before she regained her composure and looked away. “Don’t know him,” she said with a shake of her head.

“He seemed to know you,” Gil said, “said your name was Mel.”

“Yeah well, I don’t know him, sorry,” Melody said as she went back to eating, hoping he’d leave her alone.

“Alright, ya idiot, that’s enough buggin’ the girl,” Melody heard the accent. It sending a shiver down her spine as she remembered what had happened last night. Without turning her head, she peered out of the side of her eye, watching as Harry walked over and grabbed Gil by the back of his collar, pulling the pirate away. “I should hook ya for that.”

“I thought you said you knew her, Harry,” Melody could faintly hear Gil say as he was pulled back to the table in the back.

She quickly ate what was on the plate in front of her before throwing down what money she had. Getting to her feet, Melody left without a look back towards the pirate in red.

But Harry watched her as she left. Then he watched as another pirate, one that wasn’t a part of Uma’s crew, leave shortly after her. He wouldn’t have worried about it, knowing she could protect herself, but then he remembered that he didn’t see her grab a sword from the sword check when she was leaving. Meaning one thing; she was unarmed.

Walking away from the back table and out of the chip shop, Harry looked around for a sign of the girl and the pirate who’d followed her out. He remembered seeing her and the pirate turning left, so he went in that direction first, hopeful that he picked the right way.

“I said leave me alone,” Harry heard, off to the side of the chip shop. Picking up his pace, Harry made it in time to see the pirate backhand Melody, sending her to the ground from the force behind the hit.

Wasting no time, Harry ran over to them, grabbing the unknown pirate and pulling him away from where Melody still sat on the ground with a hand to her cheek. The pirate turned, breaking out of Harry’s grasp before pushing him back. “Bug off mate, I saw her first,” the pirate said as he tried to turn back to Melody.

“Don’t think so,” Harry said as he grabbed the pirate again. He pushed the pirate back once more before standing in between him and Melody. “Take a good look at my face. Who do you think I am?” He watched as slowly, the recognition appeared on the pirate’s face. “That’s right. Now, you run along and make sure that everyone knows that this girl belongs to me, Harry Hook. And anyone who dares to so much as looks at her wrong has to deal with me.”

Harry watched as the pirate ran off before his attention turned to the glaring girl behind him on the ground.

“So I’m automatically yours after sleeping with you,” Melody said, her glare harsh on her features. Harry actually thought she looked pretty scary with that scowl on her face.

“Can I have a chance to explain,” he asked, hopeful she’d let him. But he was nervous as to what he’d tell her if she did let him explain. He didn’t even know what he was explaining.

“Fine,” Melody said as she stood up, “but we’re going back to my place. I would rather not stay out here any longer at the moment.”

Harry nodded before following Melody as she led the way back to her place where she’d wait for him to try and explain his reasoning for claiming her as his when he’d up and left her early that morning without so much as a goodbye.

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