Back in Auradon

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When the limo arrived back at Auradon Prep, Melody climbed out and met up with Lonnie at the back of the car. Deciding she'd walk with her roommate, Melody waved to the others before following Lonnie as she took the swords used to fight the pirates back to the storage room where they belonged before someone noticed they were missing.

"You okay, Melody," Lonnie asked as she looked over at her friend who hadn't said a word since arriving.

"I'm not sure," Melody said as she looked back to her friend before the pair continued to walk. She looked around as they walked before spying the Cotillion posters hanging on nearly every walk inside the school. "Oh no! It figures I return to Auradon the day of the Cotillion. Lonnie, I don't have a dress nor a date for the event."

"Let's get you settled back into our dorm room, then we'll worry about everything else," Lonnie said with a grin.

"What did I ever do without you on the Isle," Melody said as she hugged Lonnie before the pair walked towards their dorm room.


"So, even after everything that happened on the Isle between Harry and King Ben, you're still holding on to the sword he gave you," Lonnie asked as she watched Melody kneel near the head of her bed to place a sort of display shelf there. Sitting beside her on the bed, was the sword Harry had given her when he began training her on how to fight with one.

Melody looked back at Lonnie, lowering her hands from the wall as she leaned back to rest her rear on the heels of her feet.

"I can't bring myself to get rid of it," she said as she lowered her eyes away from her friend.

Lonnie didn't say anything. She could see how much her friend's heart was breaking over all of this. Instead, she stood to her feet and walked over to Melody's bed. She moved the sword over, Melody watching her every move before she sat down on the edge and pulled the heartbroken princess into a comforting hug. Lonnie pulled away after a few minutes, looking at her friend's face with a small smile as she brushed some of Melody's hair out from in front of her eyes.

"You should keep your hair like this," she said as she looked at the girl, "looks good like it is." Melody's eyes lit up before Lonnie turned her attention to the sword on the bed. She grasped the sword in both hands, looking up at Melody before standing to her feet and moving to the head of the bed. Once she reached the edge, she lifted the sword up before placing it on the new display rack that Melody had put up moments before. "This looks perfect sitting right here. Don't you think, Melody?"

"You're the best, Lonnie," Melody said as she smiled at Lonnie.

"Yeah, I know," Lonnie said with a grin before grabbing Melody's wrist, "now come on! We need to go find Fairy Godmother. See if she can help you with your dress issue."

Melody let out a laugh as she followed behind Lonnie as the pair left out of their dorm room.


The girls searched for the headmistress, looking everywhere they thought she might be. It was when they found Jane that they figured their luck was about to change.

"Oh, Melody," Jane said when she spotted the girl who'd been missing for months, "there you are!" The daughter of the headmistress smiled up at the girl after coming to a stop in front of her. "You know it was quite a scandal that the next person in line for the throne, should Ben decide he didn't want it or something happened to him, disappeared. Of course, Chad made a big fuss over it. Saying that it was obvious that a girl shouldn't be the next one in line and that it should go directly to him. Started spreading rumors that you disappeared because of the stress of it all. I, of course, didn't believe a word he said. What'd you do to your hair? It looks nice-"

"Jane," Lonnie and Melody said at the same time, causing the girl to go silent and look at them.

"Yes," she asked as she looked back and forth between Melody and Lonnie.

"We're looking for your mom," Lonnie said before motioning to Melody, "she wasn't here when Evie started making everyone dresses and it's way to last minute for her to make one now. We're hoping your mother would be able to help us out with that little problem."

"She should be in the library," Jane said as she pointed in the general direction of the library.

"Thanks," the girls said as they ran past Jane and towards where they figured Fairy Godmother would be. At least, according to her daughter anyway.

They ran into the building that housed the library, running through the halls before spying the headmistress as she walked out of the library.

"Fairy Godmother," Lonnie called out, causing the older woman to look up at spy the two girls before a smile spread across her face at the sight of Melody.

"Oh, Melody, there you are," she said as she came to a stop in front of the girls, "everyone's been so worried about you."

"So I keep being told," Melody said as she glanced over to Lonnie.

"Um, Fairy Godmother," Lonnie said, gaining her attention away from Melody, "since Melody's been gone all this time, she doesn't have a dress for Cotillion. We were wondering if you could, maybe, help us out with a little magic. You know, because it's so last minute and there's no way she'd be able to find a dress in time. And with her being back and all, it wouldn't be right for her to miss the Cotillion."

"Of course," Fairy Godmother said with a gentle smile before looking to Melody, "come see me an hour before the dance and we'll get you ready."

"Thank you, Fairy Godmother," Melody said with a smile before she and Lonnie turned and walked out of the building to help Lonnie get ready before Cotillion.

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