True Love's Kiss

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🌊 13 🌊

“Have you changed so much from the girl I knew on the Isle, that you won’t even look at me as soon as you walked into the room,” Harry asked as he stared at the girl in front of him.

She still looked the same, just wearing clothes that he’d expect someone from here to wear.

“I didn’t look at you, Harry,” Melody said as she tried to appear as if she was indeed looking at him, “is because I can’t see you. I’m blind.”

Harry looked from Melody to Ben in front of them. “Will you all please wait outside,” Ben asked. Everyone nodded before heading out the door, Lonnie following after she made sure that Melody was able to make it to one of the seats in Ben’s office without tripping. Ben watched as Harry peered down at her, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth on the matter.

“Blind,” he asked as he continued to watch her.

“Uma cast a spell on her back at Cotillion,” Ben said, causing Harry to look up at him, “we’ve tried everything we could to break the spell. But we’ve failed. Melody has been shut up in her room ever since.”

“What does that have to do with me,” Harry asked. Ben knew that question was coming.

“We’re hoping that you’ll be able to get Melody to leave her room,” Ben said, “show her that, even if she is blind for the rest of her life, she still has a life she can live.”

“You talk about me as if I’m not here,” Melody said, “I’m blind, not deaf.”

“Sorry,” Ben said as he looked back to Melody, “but Melody, will you go along with it? Give it a try? And if you decide it’s not worth the try anymore, then we’ll find someone else to show Harry around.”

“Fine,” Melody said, “it’s not like I have anything else to do with my time anymore.”

“Thank you, Melody,” Ben said with a smile before he looked at Harry.


Melody kept to her word, spend a fair amount of time with Harry when he wasn’t in class or they weren’t in their own rooms.

It was awkward at first, the tension was high as they both remembered how things had ended on the Isle. But Melody kept to it, kept trying to make an effort. In the end, it worked out for the two.

All of Melody’s friends watched from a distance as the pair seemed to be getting close to one another again. And all of them were excited to see what would happen next for their friend and the pirate she had been attached to on the Isle.


“You know you can come into the room, right,” Melody asked as she opened to door to her dorm room as Harry stood behind her.

“You sure that’s not breaking some sort of rule here,” he asked as he looked around the hall with a brow raised.

“Even if it did,” Melody said with a laugh, “when did that ever stop you and everyone else on the Isle? Come on in Harry, you’ll be fine.” Melody reached behind her and grabbed ahold of Harry’s wrist and pulled him in behind her. When she felt him move past her and into the room enough, Melody closed her bedroom door before turning to face her room. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Harry watched as Melody walked easily over to a bed that he deemed was hers when she laid down on it. His eyes drifted upwards, away from Melody, to something on the wall above the headboard.

“You kept it,” Harry asked as he walked over to her bed, his hand reaching up to gently touch the sword.

“Kept what,” Melody asked as she closed her eyes and relaxed on the bed.

“The sword,” Harry muttered before his attention turned downwards towards Melody. She opened her eyes and laid there for a second before sitting up on the bed with her back to Harry.

“I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it,” she said as she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, “I placed it there on my wall the day I got back of the Isle with the others. It’s been there where I could see it. But then Uma cast her spell on me and I haven’t been able to see it since.”

Melody felt the bed beside her dip slightly before she felt a hand on her chin. Harry moved her head to where it was facing him, wishing she could see him at that moment.

“Uma said it was my fault,” she said as she felt tears well up in her eyes but refusing to fall, “said I was the reason you weren’t acting the same anymore.”

Nothing was your fault, Mel,” he said sincerely as he continued to stare down at her, “don’t ever let anyone ever tell you that it was your fault for what I chose to do.”

Harry stared down at her as a tear finally slipped from her eyes. He lifted his free hand up and brushed it away gently before his eyes drifted down towards her lips. Slowly, he leaned down towards her before pressing his lips to hers. His eyes drifting closed the minute he made contact with her lips.

Melody’s eyes shot wide open, having not expected him to kiss her before they closed on their own. She felt him move before he used his hands to pull her to sit on his lap. His hands traveled back up to her hair, twining into her brown locks as he deepened their kiss. The pair were so lost in the kiss, they didn’t hear the room door open. As the kiss continued on, Melody could feel the familiar tingles once again that came with magic.

When they finally pulled away, Melody opened her eyes. At first, they were still completely sightless. Then, slowly, that changed. First, it was shapes and shadows. Then it was blurry. Finally, her vision cleared out and she could see the pirate in front of her, hook and all.

“Harry,” Melody whispered as she peered at the blue-eyed pirate in front of her, “I can see again.”

Harry’s eyes widened at the revelation before the sound of cheering was heard towards the door. Harry and Melody looked towards the door in time to see Ben, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Jane, and Lonnie all standing there.

“True love’s kiss,” Evie said with a smile, “works every time.”

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