Bonus Chapter 1

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The early morning sun was just starting to rise over the waters of the sea that surrounded Auradon as The Red Tide sailed along.

Harry and Melody were cuddled up in the Captain’s Quarters, not making a move to get out of bed and start the day.

It had been years since their graduation from Auradon Prep. The day after graduation, the pair, along with their favorite simpleton, Gil, set out looking for a crew to work on the ship that Harry had named as The Red Tide. After getting the crew they wanted, they set sail. Only returning to land when they needed supplies. That and when King Ben and Mal married, then when they had their first born. A son that he named after his father. Adam.

Back on board The Red Tide, Harry was beginning to plant kisses all along Melody’s face. Traveling down to her neck and shoulder, only stopping when the blanket they were still under was stopping him from traveling further down.

But his hand took care of what he couldn’t reach. His hand traveled from where it had been fondling her breast, down her stomach, straight for his favorite place to explore, between her thighs.

Melody’s eyes were closed, head tilted back into the pillow as her mouth opened wide in a silent moan from the pleasure he was creating.

Harry pulled his head back, looking up at his beautiful girl as she squirmed underneath him as his fingers played with the special little button that helped to make her feel the best type of pleasure he could give her. He watched as her breathing picked up, she was getting closer to the edge. “You’re very sensitive lately, Mel,” he whispered as his fingers slowed, his blue eyes watching her intently.

“Don’t stop,” Melody breathed, so close to the edge, wanting to tip over and fall down into oblivion.

“Harry, Mel,” Gil’s voice called out right as he opened the door. Eyes widening as he caught sight of Mel and Harry, obviously busy with something else.

Melody rolled over, hiding away from Gil as her release was quickly forgotten and Harry pulled his hand from between her legs. He lifted his arm up, wrapping it around her shoulders as he held her close to his chest and glared at the intruder who interrupted what would have led to morning sex.

“Get out of here, Gil, before I hook ya for interrupting,” Harry growled as Gil quickly turned and ran out the door, it closed with a loud bang behind him.

Several moments passed after Gil left, Melody still hiding in Harry’s chest. When she finally pulled back slightly to look up at him, it was obvious the mood had been ruined. She peered up into his blue eyes before looking away and completely pulling away from him.

“It’s probably for the best,” she said as she sat up in bed, “besides, I’m starved. Probably should get dressed and see what we can find to eat this morning.”

“Right,” Harry said with a dejected nod as he too sat up. He peered out the window that was near the bed before looking back to her. “We dock today. Need to resupply.”

“Then we better get up and get ready for the day,” Melody said with a smile. Giving him a quick peck, she stood to her feet and walked over to the small closet that held their clothes in it. Harry watching her naked rear the whole time. Melody peered over her shoulder, spying him staring. “You ever going to quit staring at my ass when I’m naked?”

“Nope,” Harry said with a smirk as he laid back in bed, hands behind his head as he continued to watch her.


“Mel,” Harry called out as he searched their quarters for her.

She’d run out after eating lunch, hand to her mouth. He was more than a little concerned for her as she’s never gotten seasick nor sick from eating period. When he finally found her, she was seated on the floor in the private bathroom that was in their quarters, resting next to the toilet.

Harry quickly walked over to her as her head dipped back over the seat of the toilet as her stomach emptied the little that was left inside of it.

“Mel,” Harry asked in a soft whisper as he knelt down beside her, his hand resting lightly on her back as her body began to shake with tears falling down her cheeks. “Mel, what’s wrong?”

As Melody had been sitting there, before Harry had found her, she’d been putting two and two together. She knew she never got seasick. Not with who her parents were. Before that week she’d never gotten sick from eating the food on the ship. But this was the first time that Harry had to see her like this and she was scared what he’d say or do when she told him the conclusion she’d come to in regards to what was wrong.

Her watery green-blue eyes peered up at Harry as he looked down at her in concern.

“What’s wrong,” he asked again as he continued to rub the upper part of her back, “what can I do to help?”

“I don’t think you can help, Harry,” she said in a weak and hoarse voice. Her throat felt raw as she spoke to Harry. He gave her a strange look as she took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “Harry, I think I’m pregnant.”

Harry sat there in stunned silence just as he could hear Gil from on the deck shout out land ho.

He ran his hand up and through his hair, looking at Melody but not really seeing her. His mind was going everywhere as the words that she said slowly sunk in. His eyes zeroed in on her for a moment, watching as she watched him with bated breath before he stood to his feet. “I need to be out on the deck,” he said before turning and walking out of the small private bathroom and out of their quarters.

Harry,” Melody called after him but his step didn’t falter as he left her alone in their bathroom.

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