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It’s been months since Melody ran away to try life on the Isle of the Lost. It’s been months since she became Harry’s girl. It’s been months since she found her place by his side and no longer had to worry about being jumped by someone.

Everyone on the Isle feared her, even though she didn’t do anything to cause the fear. It was just the fact that she was always by his side and no one wanted to cross the son of Hook.

Melody never did join Uma’s crew of pirates. And Harry never asked her to. She was happy being on her own whenever he didn’t stop by for a visit. And she still hadn’t told him about where she’d come from before he found her on the streets of the Isle. But he never did ask her, even after the deal that was made before.

Harry had already come by earlier that day, but he was now back with Uma and the rest of the crew at the chip shop while Melody was out walking the streets of the Isle, looking for something to do.

She’d gotten used to the near constant darkness on the Isle from the clouds that hung overhead every day.

It was even hard to tell when it turned from day to night.

But, as Melody walked around, she bumped into someone. “Hey, watch where you’re-,” she stopped dead in her tracks. Three guys and a girl with blue hair were staring at her. But her attention was on the one with short hair in a beanie. “Ben?”

“Melody,” Ben asked as he stared back at the girl with the short brown hair and red tips. She smiled at him, happy to see a familiar face as she moved to hug him quickly. “Where have you been? Everyone’s been looking for you. We looked all over Auradon for you.”

“I’ve been here this whole time,” Melody said with a shrug.

“But why,” Ben asked as he held his friend at arm’s length to look at her.

“I needed a change of pace,” she said as she looked down, “and, Ben, I am my mother’s daughter. Look what my mother did and tell me you don’t think I wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

“Excuse me,” the white-haired boy said as he stepped up, “what does your mother have to do with anything? You look like just another girl from the Isle.”

“Her mother is Ariel, daughter to King Trident of the sea,” Ben said as he stared down at the girl, “everyone, this is Princess Melody. Daughter of Prince Eric, and Princess Ariel.” Melody watched as the blue-haired girl gasped while the guys shared a look. “And my ex-girlfriend.”

“When you say it like that, it sounds so harsh,” Melody said with a smile as she lightly smacked Ben’s chest, “by the way, I approve of the new girlfriend. Never thought Audrey was all that good for you.” Melody watched as the group in front of her shared saddened looks. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s from here on the Isle,” the blue haired girl said, “things got to be too much for her. She ran away, came back here.” The blue-haired girl looked at Ben before looking back to Melody. “We came here in hopes to find her, and bring her back to Auradon.”

“Will you come back with us too, Melody,” Ben asked as he looked at his friend, “your parents miss you. They haven’t stopped looking for you since you disappeared.”

“I can’t,” Melody said with a sad look as she pulled out of Ben’s grasp and took a few steps back. She couldn’t look at him as she lowered her head.

“You found love on the Isle, didn’t you,” the girl asked as Melody slowly lifted her head to peer at the people in front of her. She earned a gasp from the girl as she slowly nodded her head. Melody’s eyes peered from each face before finally landing on the saddened face of her friend.

“No matter what,” she said as she looked directly at Ben, “I can’t go back. Not without him. My place will be here unless something happens.” She looked away from Ben, glancing at the others before returning her attention to him one last time. “I’m sorry, Ben.” With that as her parting words, Melody turned from Ben and made her way in the direction of her new home. But then, she stopped. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed they were all still watching her. “If you’d like to say goodbye before you leave the Isle with your future queen, Ben, I’m staying down on the other side of the docks.” Finally, she turned and left without another word.

Evie looked at Ben as he seemed to be almost heartbroken that she’d chosen to stay.

“She made her choice, Ben,” she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, “she made it for love. Isn’t that what people from Auradon do?” He looked down at Evie, giving her a small nod before his attention went back to the place where Melody had last been standing. “Come on. Let’s go find Mal.”

It was late, Melody had no idea what time of night it was, but she couldn’t fall asleep. So she sat on the steps that let up to where her place was.

She looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. Finding the blue haired girl from before and another girl beside her with purple hair. When the girls came to a stop, they shared a look before looking back towards Melody.

“It’s Ben,” the blue haired girl said, “he’s been taken hostage. And we need your help.”

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