Second Meeting

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It's been a few days since Melody, or Mel as she's started to go by whenever someone asks her what her name is, arrived on the Isle of the Lost.

She found some abandoned building that she's claimed as her own. And she hasn't seen that pirate anymore. What was his name? Hook? Oh, right, Harry Hook. Son of Captain Hook.

Melody found herself walking through the market, looking for something that she could buy with the little bit of money she had left. If she didn't learn how to steal successfully soon, she'd be in serious trouble.

She turned a corner in the market, and there, at the other end of the corridor she'd just entered in, was the pirate himself. Harry Hook.

She tried to turn around quickly before he noticed her. But there was no point. Before she even got turned around, Harry's eyes landed on her and his signature smirk appeared on his face.

"Hello, Princess," Harry said as he came to a stop next to the girl who seemed to be running from him, "leaving already?" Melody turned her head slightly to look at him, her right shoulder in his direction so that she could leave as soon as she could. "Ya know, I don't remember ever seeing ya around much before the other day."

"I tend to keep to myself," she said, her eyes cutting in his direction.

Melody's hair was falling into a curtain between her and him, causing the pirate to lift up his hand with the hook he carries in it, using it to brush the hair out of her face as he gazed into her eyes. He was trying to figure this girl out.

"Ya just don't look like you'd fit in here, Princess," Harry said as he finally lowered his hook from her face, causing the girl to breathe a little easier.

"Stop calling me that," Melody said when she found her voice, "I'm no princess."

"Never said ya were," he smirked, "just thought that ya looked like one is all." Melody rolled her eyes before deciding it was time to leave. Instead of going back the way she came, she pushed past Harry, bumping shoulders with the pirate. "See ya 'round, Princess."

She stopped for a second, looking back at Harry while he continued to have a smirk on his face. Turning back around, Melody kept going the way she'd originally planned to go.

Harry watched her go before he turned, heading to Ursula's Fish and Chips to meet up with Uma and the rest of the crew.

Melody kept walking, well out of the market she'd been wandering through earlier. She found herself in some other part of the Isle. What she saw shocked her. There, surrounded by a large number of people, was a limo that belonged to Auradon. She snuck up closer to the limo, but stayed out of sight, wondering what was going on. She didn't believe Ben or his family would send a limo out to look for her on the Isle, it'd draw too much attention. Like it was doing now.

No. Melody watched as the driver of the car got out, walking over to the trunk as these 4 kids walked out of the building the limo was parked in front of. There were 2 boys and 2 girls.

What's going on here, Melody thought to herself as she watched the group of kids all climb into the limo before it pulled off. She watched as it drove off in the direction of the bridge and the gate that would open the barrier to the Isle. Guess no one has missed me.

As the crowd began to disperse, Melody turned with some of the others, making her way back to her home that she had here on the Isle.

Melody had to go back through the pirate territory on the island to get to where she was holed up. She only hoped she wouldn't have to run into Harry again. But, luck wasn't on her side it seemed.

Harry was leaving the chip shop, off to do some stealing for Uma, when he spotted a disturbance up ahead of him. Now normally, Harry wouldn't worry himself about someone else's misfortune on the Isle. But it didn't help that what he saw was a couple of unfamiliar pirates who didn't belong here, and the girl that he was still trying to figure out.

The girl, Mel, was backed into a corner while the pirates had their swords out and near her neck, demanding everything she had on her.

"I think you lot are in the wrong area," Harry said calmly, playing with his hook as he seemed uninterested in what was going on in front of him.

Melody looked from the pair of pirates that were trying to slice her neck, over to the one who she really didn't want to see. But she wasn't about to be picky at the moment. He was saving her life without even trying.

Melody watched as the pirates in front of her looked back towards Harry before they seemed to panic.

Thinking better of what they were planning, the pair sheathed their swords and ran off, away from Harry and Melody.

Melody's attention turned towards the remaining pirate before she moved to walk past him.

"Where do you think you're goin'," Harry asked, his hooked hand reaching out and catching Melody's arm, "I do believe I just rescued you. I should get like a kiss on the cheek or some sort of reward ya know."

"If that's the only reason you did that, then you're seriously mistaken," Melody said as she jerked her arm out of his grasp, "and I didn't need your help."

"Sure ya didn't, Princess," he said as he watched her.

"Stop callin' me that," Melody nearly screamed as she turned back to face him.

"Feisty," he said, his smirk ever present on his face, "if ya don't wanna be saved so often, then learn to fight your own battles. I could teach ya a thing or two if ya like. But it'll cost ya." He watched as she stiffened up at what he said. "It won't cost ya much, just you tellin' me where you're actually from. That's my cost to train ya how to fight."

Melody glared at him. She didn't want to rely on someone having to always save her if she found trouble there on the Isle. But she also didn't want to have to tell him that she was actually from Auradon. As if seeing her hesitation, Harry spoke up again.

"Ya don't have to tell me right away," he said, "can be later on, or after the training. Up to you. But you do have to tell me eventually. That is if you wanna learn."

Her glare didn't let up as she regarded him, weighing her options. "Fine," she finally agreed. She'd take her chances with him finding out just who she was.

"Great," he said smirking, "we start, now."

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