A Villain's Happy Ending

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🌊 14 🌊

It was nearing the time of graduation for the students of Auradon Prep.

Melody had been working non-stop with King Ben in creating a surprise for Harry for his graduation from Auradon. Ever since he’d helped her regain her sight, they’d been nearly inseparable and he’d made the effort of going to class every day for her.

As Melody was in Ben’s office, discussing the plan for Harry’s surprise, she couldn’t help but remember everyone’s reaction towards Harry after she finally got her sight back.


When Melody and Harry looked over towards the doorway, spying all of the friends she had there in Auradon, her face went red as she buried her head in Harry’s chest.

Jay stood there with his arms crossed as he glared at the pirate. He still had yet to let go of the fact that he’d had something to do with King Ben’s kidnapping that lead to everything that happened. When he glanced over at Ben, he could see that the king had a skeptical look on his face to the whole matter, but he remembered that it was because of her love for Harry that she had planned on staying there on the Isle until he’d been taken. Ben wouldn’t take her chance at happiness away. Even if it was with one of the villains who’d taken him hostage. But, that had led to opening his eyes to all the other children on the Isle that deserved a chance. And whether the others like it or not, that included Harry Hook.

Evie and Mal shared smiles as they looked to one another. Evie’s plan had worked in their favor, and had helped Melody get her sight back. If only Uma could see her now. That little stunt to try and get Harry to distance himself from her didn’t work.

“We’re glad you can see again, Melody,” Lonnie said with a smile before she looked around at all of the people staring at the pair. When she glanced back to Melody and Harry, she could see that Melody was doing everything she could to almost hide from their stares. “Alright, let’s go. Everyone out!” Lonnie pushed everyone out of the door before looking back to her friend who was still in the arms of her pirate.

“Thank you,” Melody said as she finally turned her head to face the door, a smile on her face as her eyes landed on Lonnie.

Lonnie simply smiled before walking out of the room, closing the bedroom door behind her.


“The surprise should be ready before the end of the day,” Ben said as he snapped Melody out of her thoughts, “why don’t you go get ready for the graduation ball? There’s nothing else for you to worry about. It’s all taken care of.”

“Are you sure,” Melody asked, “this is supposed to be something I’m responsible for.”

“Go,” Ben said with a smile, “I’ll see you at the ball.”

With a nod, Melody stood to her feet before bowing slightly. When she straightened back up she turned and walked out of the office and to her dorm she shared with Lonnie.


By the time it was time for the ball to start, Melody was dressed in a simple knee-length red dress, black heels, and the small crown Fairy Godmother had placed upon her when she helped her dress for Cotillion was back on her head. She had her hair pulled into a side bun with a small braid at the front.

 She had her hair pulled into a side bun with a small braid at the front

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