Sleeping With the Enemy

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Harry couldn't explain what came over him as he pulled away from Melody.

His hands stayed on her face as he finally pulled away from her. Her eyes slowly opened to peer up at him, just as shocked and confused as he felt inside.

Instead of speaking, or of letting Melody speak, he pulled her back towards him and placed his lips back on hers. The kiss was deeper this time as he slowly moved his hands down from her face, going to her hips and lower still to grasp her rear.

Melody gasped as he squeezed her backside, allowing Harry to sneak his tongue into her mouth to explore.

When he finally pulled away, Harry gazed at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, hair disheveled, pupils dilated, lips were swollen. But he noticed that she didn't exactly pull away the second he removed his lips from her. In fact, she was staring directly at his lips, like she wanted to kiss him again. His smirk returned.

"Where's your place, Princess," he asked, voice coming out husky and deep.

Melody felt a shiver run down her spine at the sound of his voice.

"This way," she said, voice barely a whisper as she grabbed his hand, looking at him once over her shoulder, before leading him to the place that had been her sanctuary there on the Isle.

No more words were spoken between the pair as she led the way, still holding his hand in hers.

Harry's eyes stayed on the girl in front of him, trying to keep from talking himself out of what he was planning to do when they reached her place. His thoughts were going back to the kiss they'd shared back there. He was denying that it was anything but lust. She'd been on his mind ever since she pulled that stunt for knocking his sword out of his hand. It had to be lust. Right?


Melody opened the door to her home, turning around to lead the pirate in as she now held both of his hands.

She wasn't sure exactly of what was going to happen when he asked her where she was staying. But she had a good idea of where she'd like it to go.

When they came to a stop, they were in a studio-like room that she called home.

Harry looked around, taking in the minimal furniture in the place. A mattress, couch, tiny TV. Over where the kitchen was, there wasn't even a table. When Harry turned his attention back to Melody, her head was looking downwards, her eyes looking around at her sparse living arrangements.

Instead of speaking at first, Harry lifted one of his hands, placing his fingers under her chin and lifting her head up to look at him. He leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling away.

"You're not a girl of the Isle are you," he asked, watching as her eyes seemed to go back and forth between his.

"You could say that I'm from the sea, much like you," she said as she looked at him, "that much I can tell you. For now."

Harry accepted that answer from her, for now. He nodded his head before taking ahold of her head, bringing his lips back to hers for a deeper, rougher kiss than the others before they even arrived.

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