Chapter 2: The Gifts

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I know this is only the second chapter but let me know if there is something you want me to add or if there's something you don't like.

Alec Lightwood/oc
Chapter 2
The Gifts

The twins walked up to their apartment with excitement. Clary couldn't wait to tell her mother about her acceptance into the Art Academy and Kiara couldn't wait to choose her outfit for her eighteenth birthday party.

"I'm finally eighteen!" Kiara exclaimed.

"We are finally eighteen." Clary corrected.

"Same thing." Kiara said, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm going to get drunk tonight." She decided.

"No you're not." Clary told her younger twin as they entered the antique shop their mother ran.

"Hey Dot!" Kiara greeted her sisterly figure.

"How's your future looking?" Clary asked her.

"Not as good as yours." Dot replied smiling.

"And what's my future?" Kiara asked her.

"Wait. Let me see." For said looking over the cards. "Ah. I see presents. That you will need to hide from your mother." She said handing Kiara 2 bags.

"What is it? Drugs?" Kiara asked smirking.

"Even better." Dot whisper yelled excitedly.

Kiara peaked inside. "No way!"

"Yes way!" Dot yelled back.

"Dot, my dear, you are by definition the worlds best person." Kiara said.

"Something we agree on." Dot replied. "And also, Clary, this one is for you." She said handing Clary a packet as well.

"Thanks Dot." Clary said as she looked at it.

"Might want to hide it from your mom. She's my boss. Don't need her mad at me." Dot told Clary. "Now the two of you, run along. Your mother is upstairs."

The two had just reached the door when Dot called Clary.

"My cards just told me that congratulations are in order." She said. "I knew you'd make it."

"And by Cards Dotty dearest means Simon's Twitter account. She follows him." Kiara yelled out as she ran up the stairs.

"Well yes." Dot admitted. "But congratulations Clary."

"Thanks Dot." She said as she followed her younger twin up the stairs.

"You made it!" Jocelyn said giving Clary a bone crushing hug.

"Wow. You follow Simon too?" Clary asked.

"He only has 92 followers. He needs the retweets." Jocelyn said pulling away.

"I couldn't agree more." Kiara stated. "But it's no wonder he doesn't have followers."

"And why is that?" Jocelyn asked her younger daughter.

"He named the band Champegne Enema." Kiara told her mother.

"What?" She asked.


"Well, it wasn't just him. It's Maureen as well." Clary said, defending her best friend.

"No. And you know it. Simon likes the name and Maureen likes him." Kiara said.

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