Chapter 6: Escape

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Hey guys! So, I just published A NEW MORTAL INSTRUMENTS FANFICTION 'Starlight'. Do give it a go. It's a very different plot line. I'm sure you all will love it.
__________________________________________ Chapter 6

Kiara couldn't find any explanations in her head. She ran downstairs hoping her mother would find something.

"Mom? Mom, there's something I need to ask you." She said, urgency in her voice.

Clary too stood up. "What's up? Everything okay? I heard you run downstairs."

"No. Everything's not okay. Something very weird just happened." She told.

"Yeah. I just told mom about the club as well." Clary said.

Just then, the door opened and Dot burst in. "Jocelyn. They've found you. They are here. Magnus called to warn." She said.

"Magnus? Magnus Bane?" Kiara asked.

Jocelyn and Dot turned to her in shock. "How'd you know?" Jocelyn asked her daughter but continued before she received the answer. "It doesn't matter. I want you both to know that I love you both more than I can express. And everything I did, every mistake I made and everything I hid, I did it for a reason. I wanted nothing but to protect you." She said.

She took out to identical necklaces and put one on both of them.

"Mom now is not the time for more birthday gifts." Clary said.

"Think of me when you touch it." Was all the explanation given by Jocelyn.

Dot handed her a bottle. "Only if you need it."

"Of course." Jocelyn replied takin the bottle.

"But mom? What's even happening?" Kiara asked her mother panicking.

"I got a very very powerful man angry." Jocelyn said.

"Why? Mom, what did you do?" Clary asked.

"I hid two things from him and his followers." She said.

"What did you hide?" Kiara nearly yelled.

"It was a very powerful object and..." Jocelyn started.

"Jocelyn!" Dot yelled.

"Girls, only tell Luke about this. No one else." Jocelyn said. "Dot." She said looking at the said woman.

Dot raised her hands and purple Rays came out, collecting at a point forming some sort of entrance.

"Where's Luke?" Jocelyn asked.

"At the police station." Kiara replied.

"Think of the station. Both of you." Jocelyn said as she pushed her daughters into the purple entrance.
Okay. Super short. I know. But I'll update more. Vote, comment, share, follow and feel free to message. Take a look at my other works as well. Thanks!

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